P l a c e .
, 44 •
V a ». A.
D escription»
white : wing coverts the fame, with black fhafts ; the greater
coverts black, margined all round with white : quills black,
edged with white: the tail cuneiform; all the feathers white,
with the lhafts black: the legs lead-colour.
This fpecies is found at Senegal, and the Cape, of Good Hopei
alfo at Madagafear. At the firft-named' place it frequents the
borders of the rivers Gambia and Niger, and lives on flies,
like the reft of the genus.
The three birds defcribed in Brijfon *, here drawn together,
differ much in length ; but this arifes merely from the want or
prefence o f the two middle tail feathers, which alone are fifteen
inches in length.
Mafcicapa paradiis, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 525. r.
Le Gobe-mouche hupe du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif. cm. 'll. p. 418. 31.
pi. 41. f. 1.
g I Z E of the Fly-catcher: length feven inches and a half. Bill
black, befet with briftles at the bale and noftrils : head,
throat, and hind part o f the neck, greenilh black; the feathers
of the firft long and narrow, forming a long creft: the reft o f
the upper parts are pale ehefnut: fore part of the neck and
breaft grey j from thence to the vent white ■- quills pale ehefnut
the outer are fhorteft by an inch and a half: tail cuneiform, chef-
nut, the Ihaft paleft : legs lead-colour.
* The firft of thefe came from the iilatid of Pape it, and mcafures in the
whole twenty inches. The natives call it Waygebcc, or Warden.
Crefted long-tailed Pie, Edcx. pi. 325.
Br. Muf.
r p H I S differs from the laft in having all the under parts
nearly white : and the breaft of a blueifh alh-colour.
Le Gobe-mouche hupe du Brefil, Brif. cm. ii. p. 416. 30.
Avis paradifiaca, Brafilienfis, feu Cuiriri Acamaky criftata, Sela ii, pi. 87.
f. 2.
T E N G T H feven inches. Bill reddilh, befet with briftles at
the bafe: irides fire-colour : head and throat gloffy greenilh
black: head crefted: all the upper parts of the body pale
ehefnut; the under white : the wing coverts of an elegant
gold-colour: quills and tail pale ehefnut: tail cuneiform in
Said by Sela to inhabit Brefil j but no one has brought it
from thence fince his time; it may therefore prove to be a mere
variety of the fpecies it is here joined to, and brought from the
fame place of the above birds, placed here as varieties. The
male is faid to be the dark-coloured, and the female the white
one j and that the laft is alfo fmaller than its mate.
Mufcicapa mutata, Lin. Syf. i. p. 325. N° 2.
Le Gobe-mouçhe varié a longue queue de Madagafear, Brif. brn. ii. p. 430.
36. pi. 40. f. 3.
Gobe-mouche à longue queue & ventre blanc, PLenl. 248. f. 2.— Buf. aif.
iv. p. 568.
Ç I Z E of a Sparrow: length eleven inches and a half, of
which the tail meafures feven inches and a half. The bill is
Y y 2 flatted
V ar . B.
D escription.
V a r . C.
D e s c r i p t io n .
D e s c r i p t io n .