184 B U N T I N G .
La Veuve a epaulettes, Buf. oif. iv. p. 164.—PI. enl. 635.
Cape Sparrow, Kolb. Cap. ii. p. 159. pl. 7. f. 7.
Yellow-Ihouldered Oriole, Browns lllufi. pl. 11.
Loxia longicauda, J . F. Miller, pl. 3. A, .
Br. Mu/. Lev. Mu/.
D escription. g I Z E of a Song Thrulh : total length twenty inches; from the
bill to theletting on of the tail only five. The bill is
ftrong and dulky ; the noftrils nearly hid in the feathers: tongue
lharp : the general colour of the plumage deep glofly black:
the lefier wing coverts are crimfon, below this a bed of white ;
fome of the quills are white at the bafe, but hid when the wing
is clofed ; the fecond quills are as long as the prime ones : the
tail is compofed of twelve feathers, which hang fideways, like
thofe on the fides of a Cock’s tail; fix of the middle ones are
very long, but unequal in themfelves, the two longeft are fifteen
inches long, the; next on each fide fourteen inches, and the
next only eleven inches and a half; the others much lhorter:
the legs are brown, of the fize of thole of a Thrulh: all the
claws long and hooked.
This is indigenous to the Cape of Good Hope.
La Veuve en feu, Bu/. oi/. iv. p. 167.
La Veuve a poitrine rouge, Pl. enl. 647.
de l’lfle de Panay, Son. Voy. p. 117. pl. 76.
D escription. C I Z E of the Wbidah Bird: length twelve inches: colour
wholly black, except a large fpot of a bright red colour on
the breaft: four of the tail feathers are very long, pointed,
B U N- T l N G.
hanging downward, like thole o f the JVhidah Bird, and are all
of a length : legs-black.
Inhabits the Iffe of Pamy.
Gros-bec a poitrine coulcur de feu, Salem, p. 277. 14»
^ I Z E of a Finch. Bill ihort, like that of a Bulfinch: top o f
the head and neck yellow j reft of the body black : tail
This is all the defcription which the author gives of it; but
his calling the breaft fire-coloured, in his fpecific defcription of it,,
inclines us to think that it may have fome reference to the laft
Inhabits. Angola.
Emberiza Capenfis, tin. Syjl. i. p. 316. 9.
X’ Ortqlan 4 a Gap de Bonne Efperance, BliJ. crn. Ki. p-. 2S0. 7. pi. 14.X 4.
1—Buf. oif. iv. p. 328.—-Pi. enl. 158. f. 2.
S !Z E of the laft : length five inches three quarters. Bill
dulky, upper part rufous yellow, varied with black: top o f :
the head and neck dirty grey and black mixed : fides of the head
and chin dirty white, crofted with two ftreaks of black, the one
through the eyes, the other beneath them: the Under parts
dirty yellowifti white: the Idler wing coverts rufous; the greater
ones, quills, and tail, dulky, with rufous, edges : legs blackilh.
Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope.
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2 2 .
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