322 T A N A G E R .
Le Tangavio, Buf. oif. iv. p. 241.— PL enl. 710.
T E N G T H eight inches. Bill flout, dulky black: colour
of the plumage a deep violet, with a greenilh call: on the
wings and tail; but on firft infpection the bird appears black:
the legs are blackifh; and the claws ftrong and large.
The female has a black head, with a glofs like that of polilhed
fteel: the reft of the plumage dull brown, with a flight glofs of
black on the upper parts of the body and rump.
Inhabits Buenos-Ayres, in South America.
Le Cam ail ou la Cravate, Buf. oif. ivT p. 254,
Tangara à Cravate noire de Cayenne, PI. enl. 714. f. 2.
J ^ E N G T H feven inches. Bill three quarters of an inch,
moderately ftrong, and black; the upper mandible whitifh
at the bafe : all the fore part of the head, fides, chin, and fore
part of the neck, black, ending in a point on the bread : the reft
o f the plumage alh-colour, paleft beneath ; quills and tail
deepeft; the laft rounded in fhape: legs dufky.
The female has the head and fore parts brown, where the other
is black; and the upper parts are of a pale yellowilh alh-colour:
beneath rather paler than the upper parts *.
Inhabits Guiana, where it frequents the open parts, but is not
• I am indebted, for the defcription of the female, to a colleftion of bird»
lately from Cayenne, where the pairs were tied together, fo that I could not hefi-
tate a moment in pronouncing the laft-defcribed to he the other fex. Buffbn
only mentions the male.
2 Ll
La Coiffe noire, Buf. oif. iv. p. 284,
Le Tangara à Coiffe noire de Cayenne, PI. enl. 720. f, 2.
Lev. Muf.
o I z E of a Hedge Sparrow. Bill dulky : top of the head, and
^ fides, black; this colour goes downwards on each fide of the
neck, and ends in a point near the wings : between the bill and
eye a fpot of white : the reft of the upper parts of the neck,
body, wings, and tail, are of a blueilh alh-colour; deepeft on the
two laft: all the under parts, from the chin to the vent, are
of a greyilh or filvery white: legs dulky.
Le Tangara cendre du Brefil, Brif. orn. iii. p. 17. N° 9.
Tijepiranga, Raii Syn. p. 89. 1.— Will. ern. p. 251. $. 9. (fecond fpecies.)
C I Z E of the laft, but wants the black on the head; the upper
^ parts being wholly of a blueilh alh-colour, and the under
white. This is fuppofed to be the female of the laft.
Both are found in Guiana and Braßl.
Tanagra melaniftera, Nov. Com. Petr. vol. xix. p. 466. pi. 13. 14.
Q I Z E of the common Bunting: length feven inches and a
^ half. Bill of a livid colour; the fides of the under mandible
bent inwards, and the end of the upper one a trifle margined;
the bafe furnilhed with a few hairs: irides brown : the top of the
head, and fides, beneath the eye, black : hind part of the neck
and back ferruginous brown, changing to a ruft-colour on the
rump: under parts of the body deep yellow : the wings reach to
the middle of the tail, and are marked with longitudinal whitilh
ftreaks :
T he Male.
T he Female.
12. .