T H R U S H .
D escription.
P la c e .
D e s c r ip t io n *
Le Solitaire des Philippines, EriJ. on. ii. p. 272. N°3. pi. 28. 1. Euf. of.
iii. p. 364.— Pi. enl. 339-
t E N G T H feven inches and a half. Bill one inch, brown,
JL> with a whitilh bafe : round the eyes whitilh : the crown of
the head is yellowifh olive : hind-head, upper parts of the neck,
and back, brown j each feather having a duiky band near the
tip, which is whitilh : the lides of the head, and under parts of the
body, have each feather of a rufous white margined with brown,
and a dirty rufous white tip : the leffer wing coverts and rump
are cinereous : quills and tail brown, bordered with grey : legs,
Inhabits the Philippine Ijles, and feems to have much affinity to
the laft.
'Merula faxatilis, Rail Sjn. p. 68. N* 3.
■ Greater Redftart, Will. on. p. 197. pi. 36.
C I Z E of a Thruffi. Bill pale brown, like that of a Thru®,
^ and rather bent at the tip : the upper parts of the plumage
deep brown; moll: of the feathers edged with cinereous
white : rump ferruginous, edged with the fame : the chin white :
throat as the upper parts, but much paler: the fore part of
the neck, and all the under parts, dirty orange-colour, waved
with brown and white : the two middle tail feathers brown, edged
■ with dirty orange.; the others wholly of this laft colour: legs
-duflcy *.
» I much fufpeft it tobe a variety of the Rock Shrike, vol. 1. p. 176, if not
the fame bird; and if fo, it is clearly a Thrvjh, and not a Shrike. It differs,
however, from that in the PI. enl as the bird there figured has the lower .part
.of the back and rump white.
3 The
The above defeription was taken from a well-done drawing
belonging to Mr. Pennant; who, I think, mentioned the bird to
have come from Gibraltar, and that it prefers rocky and mountainous
fituations, being found in fuch places about the Altaic
Chain, and beyond the Lake Baikal frequent. It is a ffiy bird,
and in courfe difficult to be fhot.
Willughby talks of it being met with at Florence, and fays it
learns to fpeak articulately, like the Stare.
Turdus morio, Lin. Syft. i- p. 297. N° 26. ,
Le Merle du Cap de B. E. Brif. on. ii. p. 3°9- N“ 52' P1- 2*' *' 2'
enl. 199.
Le Jaunoir du Cap de B. E. Buf. oif. iii. p. 366.
25 black : the general colour of the plumage is a greeniffi gloffy
black, except the greater quills, which are rufous; the three firft
of thefe have brown, and the others black tips; the legs, are
This is found at the Cape of Good Hope...
LePodobe du. Senegal, Buf. oif. iii. p. 368.— P/. enl. 354.-
C I Z E of a Blackbird : length ten inches. Bill brown : general'colour
of the plumage black : wings rufous and lhort.
under tail coverts tipped with white : tail cuneiform, all but the
two middle feathers tipped with white :. legs rufous.
Inhabits Senegal.
D escription