of the body yellow, mixed with green : legs blueilh alh-co-
Place. From Gambia in Africa.
OR. Lev. Muf.
Pl. XL1II.
Description. T E N G T H nine inches. Bill very ftout, one inch long, and
black; at the middle of the edge of the upper mandible a
lharp procefs, and a notch on the under one partly correfponding
with i t ; the bafe white : the head and throat black: general
colour of the plumage deep crimfon, inclining to pink on the
under parts : quills and tail of a dulky red ; the fhape of the
laft rounded, and the feathers a little pointed at the ends : legs
The female has the head and throat black : the upper part of
the body a greenilh orange, with a mixture here and there of
red : fides of the neck of a deep orange red : from the breaft to
the vent orange yellow ; quills olive green, with the outer edges
of fome of them rufous.
F emale.
Pla.ce. Inhabits Cayenne.
D escription.
Le B.ouvreuil huppe d’Amcriquc, Brif. urn. iii. p. 327. N° io.
'Le Huppe noire, Buf. oif iv. p. 307.
Avis Americana, Rubicilla, &c. Seba, vol. i-. pl, 102. f. 3.
J I G G E R than our Bulfinch : length near fix inches. Bill
white, half an inch long : on the head is a black creft : the
upper parts of the body, wings, and tail, are fcarlet: the under
blue ; on the middle of the fore part of the neck a black Ipot.
Inhabits America.