F ema l e .
P lace.
D e s c r i p t i ç n .
P la c e .
D e s c r i p t io n .
■ Le,Gobe-mouche de L’lfle de Bourbon, Sri/, orn. ii. p. 360. 2. pi. 39. f>i.
g IZ E of the firft fpecies : length four inches and three quarters.
Bill brown : the head, and hind part of the neck,
brown, marked here and there, with,fmall rufous fpecks, efpecially
on.the margins : back, rump, and wings, much the fame.: throat,
and, fore part of the neck, dirty white: from the breaft to the
Tent pale rufous : quills, and tail,' brown; 1 the firft edged and
tipped with rufous; the daft- only edged with the fame : legs
-The female has thofe parts of a dirty white, which are rufous, in
the male.
Found at the IJleifBourben-, where it is called feliee.
Gobe-mouche dc L’lile de Bourbon., PI. enl. 572. f. 3.
;J_^EN G T H four inches and three quarters: colour wholly
black, except the vent and under, tail coverts, which.are rufous
r legs pale red. _
.Said to inhabit Haz IJle of Bourbon.
L L black, and crooked at the point : head creftedj 'that,
the cheeks, and chin, black: hind part of the neck, back,
wings, and tail, the fame j the two middle feathers of the laft
tipped with white: rump, ftdes of .the neck, breaft, and belly,
white: vent yellow : ' legs blueilh.
■ Place. Inhabits
Red-vented Flycatcher, Primin'* III. p. 78. pi: 31V
JQ^EN G T H four inches and a half. Bill blueilh: head
black, and flightly crefted: the neck; and upper parts of the
body, clouded brown : breaft, and belly, white: vent red : tail
black : legs dulky.
Inhabits the illand of Ceylon,:.
Yellow-vented-Flycatcher, Brown's 111. p. 76. pi, 31 ■
E E N G T H four inches and a half. Bill black: forehead,
and crown, black, and crefted : fides of thé neck, breaft, and
belly, white : vent yellow r tail long, dulky, crofted near the-end
with a bar of white : legs dulky. .
Inhabits the ifland of Java.
From the great fimilarity of the two figures, this: appears °to
differ from the laft merely -in fex, ifnot a variety- •
Petit Goiavier de Manille, Son. Voy. p. 59..pi. 28. ■
C O M E W H A T lefs than a Sparrow. Bill black’: irides of
a pale yellow: crown of the head black: over the eyes a line
of white, extending almoft to the hind head :, from.the bafe of the
lower jaw to the eye another of black : the upper parts'of the
body are of a dull brown, not unlike umber: quills, and tail, the
fame, but deeper: the under parts are white, except the vent,
which is of a pale yellow : legs black.
This inhabits Manilla, and is frequent about habitations; and
is.obferved frequently to perih on the Guavas, the fruit of
(D e s c r i p t io n *
V a r . A.
D e s c r i p t io n.
P èa ce;
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