214. A N A
N° 40. Military T.
41. White-headed T.
42. 'Sfellow T ./
N° 43. Amboina T.
44. Cerulean T.
I L L conoid, a little inclining towards the point: upper
mandible flightly ridged, and notched near the end *.
4- RED-
Place and
Tanagra jacapa, Lin. Syf. i. p. 313. ri
Le Cardinal pourprc. Brif. orn. iii. p. 49. 29. pi. 3; f. 2. 3. ? ■— PI, oil, 128. f. 1.2.
Le Bee d’argent, Buf. oif. iv. p. 239.
Red-breafted Blackbird, Edvi. pi. 267.
Hr, Muf. Lev. Muf.
C I Z E of a Sparrow : length fix inches and a half. Bill flout
and black, except the bafe of the lower mandible, which is
Angularly rounded at the back part, and broad, and of a fine
white filver polilh : irides brown : the plumage in general Is
black, with a purplilh glofs, except the .chin, throat, and bread,
which are of a deep crimfon : the fore part of the head is alfo
crimfon in fome lpecimens, in others not. .
The female has not this confpicuous charadter of the under
mandible marked fo ftrongly as in the male; and the colour of
the plumage is dull purplilh brown ; beneath, reddilh: wings,
and tail, brown : legs in both brown.
This fpecies is common in Cayenne, Guiana, Mexico, and other
parts of America, where it lives on various kinds of fruits only,
and comes frequently near habitations, and into the gardens; and
in general feen in pairs.
Genera of Birds.
s The
The female makes the neft of a cylindrical form, a trifle
curved ; fix inches long, and four and a quarter in diameter; com-
pofed of dried fibres and leaves, and lined with large pieces of the
fame leaves within. This is fattened to the horizontal branch of
fome low tree, the opening beneath. The eggs only two in
number, white, marked with fmall pale red fpots, chiefly at the
large end.
Buffon * mentions a bird of this kind, which is of a pale rote-
colour mixed with grey, which he thinks may be this fpecies not
in full plumage, or moulting. Perhaps it may belong to the following,
as both have the fame kind of bill.
The want of the charafteriftic in the under mandible in Brijfon’s
plate, and that of the Planches Enluminées, may miflead ; but.
Buffon apologizes for the laft ; and the defeription fo well
anfwers to the firft, that there is no doubt of the matter.
Edwards’s figure exprefies the bird perfectly. As to the reference
to Briffon'% Mufcicapa, by Linnæus, it is not the fame
bird. That of Brijfon's is above twice the fize,: and a true Flycatcher
Tanagra Brafllaa, Lin. SjJt. i.. p. 314. z.
Le Cardinal, Bri/. orn. iii. p. 42. 24. pi. 3. f. 1.— PI. enl. 127. f. 1. 156* 1.
Tijepiranga, Will, orn. p. 251.
Lev. Muf.
H I S bird is a trifle bigger than a Houfe Sparrow: length
fix inches and a quarter. Bill three quarters of an inch in
D escriptions
Hift des oif. iv. p. 262. f See Purple-throated Fly-catcher, this Work.