the neck in the male are yellow: the reft of the plumage a
greeriilh olive brown, paleft beneath: the edges of the quills and
tail yellowifh; the laft even at the ends: legs pale brown.
The plumage in the female is'not unlike that of the male, except
the head, which is the fame as the other parts of the body,
with a mixture of yellowifh grey about the fides of the head.
Inhabits the Sandwich IJlands.
Loxia coccothrauftes, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 299. N° 2.— Faun. Suec. 222.— Scop,
ann. i. P J 201.— Kram. el. p. 364. N° 1.— Brun. in app.— Mullerx
Nb 245.— Frifcb. t. 4. M. & F.— Olin. uccel. pi. in pi. 37.
Le Gros-bec, Brif. orn. iii. p. 219. N° 1.— Buf. oif. iii. p. 444. pi, 27. f. 1.
-—Pi. enl. 99, ioo.
Groflebeak or Hawfinch, Raii Syn. p. 85. A. 1.—Will. orn. p. 244. pi. 44.
— Albin. i. pi. 56.— Edvj. pi. 188.— Br. Zool. i. N° 113.— Aril.
Br. Muf. Lev. Mu/.
'J 'H I S is in length fix inches three quarters. The bill three
quarters of an inch in length, and not much lefs in depth at
the bafe 5 in ihape conical, and in courfe prodigioufly ftrong :
the colour in fo-me black, in others horn-colour : irides afh-
colour : between the bill and eye, round the noftrils, and on the
chin, the feathers are black: the crown of the head rufous chef-
nut ■, fides of it the fame, but paler : hind part of the neck aih-
eolour : the back and leffer wing coverts chefnut, inclining to
grey on the rump : the greater wing coverts grey: the under
parts are pale rufous blofiom-colour, growing almoft white
towards the vent: the quids are all black, except fome neareft
the body of the fecondaries, which are brown; the four outer ones
feem to be cut off at the tips, and are befides bent at the end,
P l a c e .
D e s c r i f t io b .