328 F L Y C A T C H E R .
Var. A. Le Gillit, ou Gobe-mouche pie de Cayenne, Buf. oif. iv, p. — PI, tel.
675. f. 1.
Description. J ^ E N G T H four inches and a half. The hind part of the
head and neck, the wings and tail, and rump, black : the
red of the bird white; and the edges of the lecondaries bordered
with white : bill and legs black.
F emale. The female is.of an uniform grey colour.
Place. Thefe inhabit the moid meadows of Guiana, where it is called
Gillit. Very like the Pied Flycatcher.
Mufcicapa Senegalenfis, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 237. 15.
Le Gobe-mouche a poitrine rouffe du Senegal, Brif. orn. ii. p, 374. 10.
pi. 37. f. 2.—Pi. enl. 567. f. 1.
Le Gobe-mouche a bandeau blanc du Senegal, Buf. oif. iv. p. 528.
Description. C I Z E of the Pettichaps : length four inches and a quarter.
Bill black, befet at the bafe with bridles : top of the head
brown : from the bill a dreak of white paffes over the eye to . the
hind head: cheeks black : hind part of the neck, and throat, rufous
white: back, rump, and fcapulars, blackilh and grey, mixed
with a little white : upper tail coverts black : bread pale rufous:
fore part of the neck, belly, vent, and edge of the wing, white :
thighs brown and white, mixed : acrofs the wing coverts a white
bar : quills brown, edged with grey: tail black ; the four middle
feathers plain; the next, on each fide, tipped with white;
and the three outermod are white on the outer edges and tips :
legs black.
t l y c a t c h e R. 329
Mufcicapa Senegalcnfis, tin. Syfl. i. p. 237. 15. B.
a,e Gobe-mouche à poitrine noire du Senegal, Brif ern. ii. p. 37° '
pi. 37. f. 3.— PI. ml. 567. f. z.
l e Gobe-mouche à bandeau blanc du Sénégal, Puf. oif. iv. p. 528.
« T "1 H I S has the fame white dreak over the eye as the former
bird; and indead of the rufous bread, has a band of black
-on the fame part : the upper parts of the plumage are black,
■ clouded with white s which in the other bird are only dulky and
grey : eight of the middle tail feathers in this bird are black ; the
3aft but one black tipped with whites and the outer one white on
the outer web and tip, otherwife black - legs black.
Thefe are found at Senegal, and fuppofed to be male and
Le Gobe-mouche hupe du Senegal, Brif. orn. Ii. p. 422. }$. pi. 39- *•
Buf. oif iv. p. 530.— PI. ml. 573. f- 2.
■ O I Z E of our Yellow Wagtail: length eight inches and a quarter.
Bill deep alh-colour : the head, throat, and fore part of
the neck, are gloffy black, changing into green in fome lights;
the feathers of the crown long, forming a creft : the upper parts
•of the neck, wing coverts, fcapulars, back, and rump, are chef-
n u t: bread, and under parts, deep alh-colour: greater coverts,
and quills, brown, with chefnut edges: tail purplilh chefnut, four
inches long, and greatly cuneiform in fliape: legs grey.
Inhabits Senegal.
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Description* I
V ol. II. s.rj