D e s c r i p t io n .
D escription.
Tanagra punctata, Lin. Syft. i. p. 316. N° 21.
Le Tangaraverd piquctc des Indes, Brif. urn. iii. p. 19. Na I I . pi. 4. f. 2.
Le Syacou, Buf. oif. iv. p. 288.
Spotted green Titmoufe, Ed<w. pi. 262.
Br. Mu/.
jg I Z E of a Linnet: length four inches and a half. Bill
brown : the upper parts are green, mixed with brown : rump
wholly green : chin and throat brown, with the margins of the
feathers whitifh : breaft the fame, mixed with yellowilh: from
thence to the vent yellowilh white, with a tinge of green : quills
and tail brown, edged with green : legs brown.
This is found alfo at Cayenne with the laft, and is moft probably
a young bird, if not the female, but whether of the. laft
fpecies is not certain.
Tanagra gularis, Lin. Syß. i. p. 316. N° ly.
Le Cardinal d* Amérique, Brif. om. Suppl, p. 67. N.° 34. pl.-4.-f. 4,
Tangara brun d'Amerique, PI. tnl. L55. f. 2.
Le Rouge Cap, Buf. oif. iv. p. 267.
LE N .G T H feven inches. Bill brown:, the head*, chin, and
throat, are crimfon, which tends to a point at the laft part,
and .is there alfo Ipotted with purple: the upper parts of the
body, wings, and tail, fine glofly black, the lhape of the laft
fomewhat rounded, and three inches long: the under parts pure
white : legs dulky.
• In- Linneeus's defcription, the head is called-black, “ capite nigro but I
apprehend this to be a miitake, as he defcribes from Briffon alone, whofe bird
has the head crimfon.
That figured in the PL enl. has the upper parts brown, which
Buffon fuppofes to have arifen from the painting being taken
from a dead fpecimen; but this is not the reafon merely, fince
the defcription above was alfo taken from the dead bird. I am
inclined therefore to think that the brown one is a mere fexual
difference, if it does not arife from age.
Inhabits Guiana and Cayenne, but is not very common-. P l a c e .
Tanagra virens, Lin. Syji. 1. p. 317. N° 22.
Le Tangara Verd du Brefil, Brif. orn. iii. p. 2$.—Buf. oif. iv. p. 268.
A Trifle bigger than a Houfe Sparrow : length fix inches and
a quarter. Bill dulky: head and upper parts green r between
the bill and eyes a black fpot, beneath which is a deep blue
band, which extends the whole length of the under mandible :
the throat of a fine black: fore part of the neck yellow : the reft
of the under parts yellowilh green: the upper lefier wing coverts
glofly fea-green ; the others green : the quills dulky, with blueilh
edges: the tail much the'fame, but the two middle feathers
greenilh : the legs brown.
This inhabits Mexico, Peru, and Brafil. In Linnaeus, the cheeks
of the bird are faid to be black i but I do not find it fo defe'ribed
in Brijforu
Q IZ 1E of an. Houle Sparrow: length five inches and a half.
Bill red brown, with a yellow tip : the upper parts of the
plumage olive green : between the bill and eye a yellowilh white
fpot: all the under parts yellow, growing pale on the belly and
vent: quills dulky, edged with yellow,, inclined to ferruginous
D escription.
D escription#