Place and
Emberiza Cirlus, Lin. Syft. i. p. 311. 12.“ Olin. uc. pi. In p. 50.
Le Bruant de Haye, Br if- turn. iii. p. 263. 2.— Bnf. nif. iv. p. 347 .— PI. ml.
653. f. 1. 2.
Cirlus, or Zivolo, Raii Syn. p. 93. 4.— Will. orn. p, 269. 3."— Olin. uc. pl. in
p. 50.
g I Z E of a Yellow-hammer : length fix inches and a quarter.
Bill cinereous brown : the head olive green, with a dulky
line down the lhaft of each feather: fide of the head yellow,
with a dalh of black between the bill and eye, and fomle markings
of black on the ears : the chin is alfo black, palling a little
backwards: the hind part of the neck, back, and rump, brown ;
the feathers dulky in the middle: the under parts, from the chin,
are yellow ; the bread inclining to brown, and a few dulky ftreaks
on the fides of the body : acrofs the throat a yellow band : the
tail is brown, edged with grey, the outer feather with white, and
has alfo a fpot of white on the inner web for half the length; the
outermoft but one has alfo a fpot of white in the fame place,
but of a much fmaller fize 5 the lhape a little forked: the legs
The female is not unlike the male on the upper parts: the
under are yellow, ftreaked with dulky, and inclining to white at
the chin and vent 4 in fome the bread: inclines to green.
Thefe birds are found only in the warmer parts of France and
Italy, and frequent newly ploughed lands, feeding on grain,
worms, and infedts, which they pick out of the ground : are often
found among flocks of Chaffinches, and their note is a little like
thofe birds, not unlike the words zi, z i ; are eafily tamed, and
now and then kept in cages. Said to live fix years *.
* Olina.
Emberiza Cia, Lin. Syft. i. p. 310. n . Krarn. el. p. 371* 3*
Emberiza barbata, Scop. ann. i. p. 210.
Le Bruant de Pres, Brif. orn. iii. p. 266. 3.— P L enl. 30. f. 2.
Le Bruant fou, Buf. oif. iv. p. 351.
Cirlus ftultus, Raii Syn. p. 94» S'— o r z7 1,
Pafleribus congener Aldr. Raii Syn. p. 87. 2 ?
A fmall bird a-kin to the Sparrow, Will. orn. p. 230 ?
C I Z E of - the others.. Bill dulky : head alh-coloured, l'potted
3 with black; the reft of the upper parts rufous grey, with a
blackifh fpot down the lhaft of each feather, inclining moft to
rufous on the rump : fides of the head grey : over the eyes, a
white ftreak.:; through the eyes, from the bill, a black one : from
the bale of the under jaw another, palling in the direttion of the
jaw, and bending upwards: the under parts of the body more
or lefts of a rufous-colour, almoft white on the throat: breaft
inclining to cinereous : quills dulky, edged with white : tail
black ; the two outer feathers beyond the middle white; the
fhafts black; the two middle ones brown, margined with rufous.
The female, defcribed by Linnceus; has a cinereous line on the
crown, varied on the fides with ferruginous and black : on the
temples a white line, and a black one from the eyes to the bafe
of the jaws: forepart of the neck cinereous: breaft and belly
ferruginous : back reddifh, variegated with black : wings alh-
eoloured at the bafe: tail blackilh; the two middle feathers
brown ; the two outfide feathers half white.
Scopoli fays, that the bird defcribed byhi m is the male, and
that of Linnaus the.female-, and that the male has the ftreaks
or beards on each fide of the jaw, and the female not.