S I4 G R O S B E A K .
with grey, but the greater quills wjtnyellow : the feathers
round the knee are pale brown; and the legs dufky. I have ob-
ferved in fbme fpecimens, that the whole of the upper part of the
back was yellow.
This fpecies inhabits the coafls of Coromandel, and is alfo frequently
brought from the Cape of Good Hope. Buffon has made
two fpecies of this bird, as quoted above; but I am clear that
both may be comprehended under the above-defcribed.
_ 7-
V ar. A. Gros-bec tachete du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Buf. oif, iii. p. 473.— PI. ml.
659. f. I.
D escription. OTSHIS is brownifb above, each feather fpotted in the middle
with black : the fides of the head, under parts of the body,
and wing coverts, dufky white, dafhed with black : fhoulders of
the wings, and rump, pale yellow : quills and tail black, the laft
edged with grey : bill and legs pale.
This is faid to be a variety of the former, or, what is more
likely, a young bird in its firft plumage, or a female 5 this cir-
cumftance being not uncommon in black birds, to be greatly
mottled, in a variety of light fhades, before they arrive at a certain
age * .
Le Pere noir a longue queue, Buf. oif. iii. p. 487.
Moineau deRoyaume de Juida, PI. enl. 183. f. 1.
Gros-bec noir, Salem, orn. p. 278. 17.
D escription. C l Z E of a Houfe Sparrow, but meafores more, as the tail is
pretty long} the whole bird is full feven inches in length:
the general colour of the plumage is black, with a bar of rufous
* Inftanced in the Red-winged Oriole. See vol.i. p. 4i 8.
yellow quite acrofs the back and wing coverts : the tail is cuneiform
in fhape, and nearly half the length of the bird : bill and
legs dufky.
Inhabits Whidah in Africa; and, if the bird above referred
to in Salerne *, is fometimes met with in Senegal.
Golden-backed Finch, Brown's III. pi. 25.
J E N G T H fix inches. Bill, head, and neck, deep black;
the feathers not velvety, as in the Cape Grojbcak : back of a
rich golden yellow: wing coverts of a light brown, fpotted with
black : breaft and belly black : legs blueilh.
Inhabits Benguelo. This bird is in the mufeum of M. Tunjlal,
Efq. On further examination, I find that the whole back,
rump, and upper tail coverts, are yellow; the ends of the two
laft fringed with dufky ; and all the tail feathers, except the two
middle ones, very pale at the edges.
D escription.
• I
Loxia grofla, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 307. N° 44.
Le Gros-bec bleu d* Amérique, Brif orn. app.
iii. p. 456.— PI. enl. 154. (Female.)
Br. Muf.
p. 89. pi. 5. f. I.— Buf., oif.
LE N G T H feven inches and a half. Bill very flout, and red:
the general colour of the plumage deep blue: the bill is
furrounded with black, which pafles downwards before, and covers
the fore part of the neck; in the middle of this, on the
• This author fays, that the tail is as long as the body; the middle feathers
one^third longer than the outer ones : that the head and neck are like velvet; .
and the colour of the upper part of the back of a deep yellow.
2 •-r'.l