146 G R O S B E A K .
F emale»
D escription.
F emale,
D escription.
The female has the head grey, and the quills black, bordered
only with white : in other things like the male.
Inhabits China.
Le Bouveret, Buf. oi/.vr.. p. 3^7.— PL ml. 204. 1 r, 21
J N G T H four inches and a half. Bill dulky: the top o f
the head black: the wings and tail dulky black, edged'with
orange,, and feme of the inner quills with white; the reft of the
bird a fine orange : legs, pale red'.
The female has the whole head, and: fore part of the neck,,
black: the under part of the body whites the reft of the body
orange, but lefs bright t and the quills edged with grey.
Inhabits the IJle of Bourbon-, the l'aft has been.brought front
the Cap of Goad Hofei
Le Bouvreuil a.bee blanc, Buf. oif iv. p. 388*
Loxia torrida,. Scop. ann. i. N° 204.
Q E N E R A L colour black i breaft and belly chefnut :: the
two middle tail feathers the longeft.
This was fent from South America by Cl. fiacquin, and was de-
feribed from the living bird by ScopU. That mentioned by
Buffon had a white bill,, and came from Guiana.
Loxia fufea, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 307, N" 46 .—Anutn. acad. iv. p. 245 .— Ofi. Fty.ii.
p. 329.
Le petit Bouvreuil noir d’Afrique, Brif. orn. iii. p. 319. pi. 17. f. i*.
g I Z E of a Canary-bird. Bill Ihort and thick, and of a lead-
colour : the head and upper parts of the body brown: the
under of a pale a(h-colour : vent pure white : the quills dulky
black: the bafe of eight o f the middle quills white : tail the
colour of the quills, with palilh ends: legs pale.
Inhabits Africa : alfo met with at Bengal.
Loxia atra, Brun. orn. N° 244,— Muller, p. 30. N° 249.
* I ' H E colour of this bird is wholly black, except a fpot of
white on the wing.
Inhabits the northern parts of Europe.
Loxia nigra, Lin. Syft. i. p. 306..N° 40.-
Le Bouvreuil noir du Mexique, Brif. orn. iii. p. 316. N°3.— Buf. oij\ iv.
p. 394.
Little Black Bulfinch, Catefi. Car• i. p. 68.— Albin. iii. pi. 69.— Batter.
Guian. p. 179.
Q I Z E of a Canary-bird: length five inches and a quarter.
Bill black, flout, and deeply notched in the middle of the
* The bird deferibed by BriJJon was of a greenifh black above, and had three
white fpots on the head ; one from the forehead to the crown, and one on each
fide beneath the eye ; and only fix of the middle quills white. A bird
likewife in PI. enlum. 319. f. 1. anfwers pretty well to the above defeription,
but the feathers on the belly feem long and frizzled. This came from BraJiL
D escription.
D e s c r i p t i o n ,
D escription.