D e s c r i p t io n .
P lace.
+- li5t t l e
Leverian Mufeum: but I likewife obferve one there which is of a
pure white.
La Grive de la Guiane, Buf. oif iii. p. zSg.— Pl. enl. 398. f. 1.
I* t E N G T H feven inches. Bill reddilh: upper parts of the
body greenilh brown: edges of the coverts and quills paler :
beneath dulky yellowilh white, longitudinally ftreaked with
dulky : legs reddilh brown: under part of the tail white.
Inhabits Guiana.
Br. Muf.
C I Z E of our Black-bird. Bill flout; brown : head brown :
chin and fore part of the neck white, dalhed with ltreaks of
brown; the lower part of the neck plain white : bread cinereous
j from thence to the vent white : upper parts of the body
dark alh-colour : quills and tail dulky : legs brown.
In the Britijh Mufeum, where it is called the Jamaica Thrufh :
bears much affinity to the lad.
Le Mauvis de le Caroline, Brif. orn. ii. p. 212. N° 4.
Le Grivette d’Amerique, Buf. oif. iii- p. 289.
Little Thrufh, Catejb. Car. pi. 31.— Ed<w, 296.-—ArSi, Zool,
Br, Muf. Lev, Muf,
T E N G T H near feven inches. Bill pale brown, briflly at the
bafe: round the eye a lightifh ring: head, and all the upper
furface of thé body, reddilh brown, or clay-colour : bread yellowilh,
lowifh, marked with dufky fpots: chin, belly, thighs, and under
tail-covert, white: legs cinereous.
This fpecies is common in Philadelphia throughout the dimmer.
They build their neds in the fwamps and thick woods.
They come in Aprils and retire into Carolina in Autumn3 where
they winter.
Motacilla aurocapilla, Lin. Syft. i. p. 334. N° 29.
Le Figuier à tête d’or de Penfilvanie, Brif. om. iii. p. 504. N“ 57.
La Grivelette de St. Domingue, Buf. oif. v. p. 317.— PL ml. 398. f. 2.
Golden-crowned Thruflt, Edn». pl. 232.— Aril. Zosl.
Br. Muf.
C I Z E of a Hedge Sparrow : length five inches and three
^ quarters. Bill brown, with a few weak hairs at the bafe, which
is flelh-colour : the crown of the head is golden yellow : over
the eyes a black dreak, tending to the hind-head : the upper
parts of the plumage brownilh green : fides of the head, and
under parts, white, fpotted as far as the belly with black, the
red plain : quills and tail deep olive : legs yellowilh brown.
One of thefe, in the poffelfion of JVlajor Davies, has the top o f
the head buff-yellow : the forehead black, divaricating into two.
dreaks on each fide of the crown '. fides of the head pale,, fpotted
on each fide of the chin in the lhape of whilkers : the under parts
marked with triangular fpots, .except the middle of the belly.
This fpecimen is fix inches in length, and leems a trifling
It inhabits Penfylvania and New Tork in dimmer ; builds
on the ground ; lays five white eggs, fpotted with brown, chiefly
on the fouth fide of a hill.
Place and