D escription.
D escription.
D escription.
Le Moineau de Bologne à queue blanche, Brif. orn. iïi. p. gz- 8.
White-tailed Sparrow of Aldrovand, Will. orn. p. 250. 5. — Hall Sjn.
p. 87. 4.
r P H 1 S is yellowilh above, (potted with chefnut, and ftreaked
with white. Head, and under parts, yellowilh white : tail
cinereous white.
Le petit Moineau de Bologne, Brif. orn. iii* p* 93* 9*
Short-tailed Italian Sparrow, Will. orn. 252. 13* Bail Syn. 87. 12.
'T 'H E whole body of this is yellowilh; the breaft, and belly,
* paleft : the bill of a deeper yellow.
The four laft are found about Bologna.
Le Moineau d’EfclavOnie, Brif. orn. iii. p. 94. io*
dalmatic Sparrow, Will. orn. p. 250.
r p p j 1 s is bigger than the Houfe Sparrow. Bill whitilh : the
A upper parts of the body reddilh; the under whitilh: tail
forked : legs pale yellow.
Inhabits Dalmatia.
The laft five have only been mentioned In brief, left they
Ihould prove to be mere varieties of fome of the fpecies before
f i n c h .
Fringilla Calebs, Lin. Syjt. i. p, 318. 3.— Fuun. Suec. 232. (the male.)
Fringilla fylvia, L/a. Sjrjf. i. p. 318. 3. 0.— F*un. Suer. 232. (3. (the
female.)— Scop. ann. i. N° 217.— Brun. N° 253. 4. Mull. N° 255 —
Kram. el. p. 367. 4.— Fri/cb. pi. 1.— Olin. uc. pi. in p. 31.
Le Pinion, Brif. orn. iii. p. 148. 3(t.— Buf. oif. iv. p. 109. pi. 4.—W.
etrl. 54. f. I .
■ Chaffinch, Rail Syn. p. .88. 16. A— Will. orn. p. 233. pi. 4*.— OUn. ».
pl. 6$.-—Br. Zool. i. N° 125.— Ar£l. Z00L
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
O I Z E well known. Bill pale blue * ; tip black : irides hazel.
forehead black: crown, nape, and fides of the neck, blueifh
.alh-colour: fides of the head, throat, and fore part of the neck,
reddifh: back chefnut brown, inclining to green on the rump :
belly, thighs, and vent, rufous white: on the wing coverts a large
patch of white; and acrofs the greater coverts a bar of the fame:
quills black, with yellowilh edges; the bafe of them white, forming,
when clofed, a fecond bar acrofs the wing: tail black, a
little forked; the outer feather has a longitudinal ftreak placed
obliquely, and the next to it a fpot of white, near the tip of the
inner web: the legs are brown.
The colours of the female are dull, and incline to green; the
vinaccous red colour is wanting: the breaft and belly dirty
white: the reft not much unlike the male.
This in England is one of our moft common fpecies : makes
the neft in fome well-clothed bufh, not very high, and compofes
it of fibres of plants and mofs, lining it within with hair, wool,
feathers, & c .: the eggs are five or fix in number, of a pale reddilh
• In fpring and fuittiher; at other times almoft white.
V ol. II. L 1 grey,
D escription.
F emale..
Place and