su 6 T A N A G E R.
length, and black, except the under mandible, which is white
half-way from the bafe : the whole body is of a fine crimfon, except
the thighs, which are black : the leffer wing coverts black
mixed with crimfon : the reft of the wing coverts, quills, under
wing coverts, tail, and legs, of a full black : the bafe of all the
feathers is alfo black, only the ends being crimfon.
This is the defeription of Brijfon.
In the birds that have fallen under my infpeftion, I find the
colour of the plumage to be brilliant, and the feathers about the
head and neck of a velvety texture; the bafe of the under mandible
continued backwards quite under the eyes, as in the former
This bird inhabits Mexico, Braftl, and other parts of South
America, and, according to our opinion, never yet was feen in Canada,
though Buffon is of a contrary opinion. It is rare in our cabinets,
in comparifon with the following fpecies, or Red Tanager.
Var. A. Le Cardinal tacheté, B r i f orn. iii. p. 44.
* *» Description. g I L L black; under mandible white half-way from the baft :
general colour crimfon : breaft, and upper part of the back,
marked with lunated greenifh fpots : wings, tail, and legs,
Place. Inhabits Braftl.
Var. B. Cardinal à Collier, Brif. orn. iii. p. 45. N° 26.
Rumplefs blue red and black Indian Sparrow, Will. orn. p. 252.
Description. D I L L black : near the forehead white : general colour crimfon,
with two ftmi-lunar blue fpots on the fidés of the neck :
wings, and tail*, black: lefifer coverts, and margins o f the firft,
blue : legs fhort and black.
Inhabits Braftl.
Tanagrarubra, Lin. Syft.i. p. 314. 3.
Cardinal de Canada, Brif. orn. iii. p. 4S. pi. 2. f. 5.
O I Z E of the Sparrow: length fix inches and a quarter. Bill
horn-colour : the general colour of the plumage is pale red :
wing coverts black : quills brown, with the margins of the inner
webs white for three quarters of their length from the bafe; the
two neareft the body black: tail black, a trifle forked, the feathers
tipped with white at the ends : legs blade.
Inhabits Canada.
Merula Bralilieniis, Rati Syn. p. 6 6 . %.— Will. orn. p. 195*
L.Scarlat, B u f oif. iv. p. 245.
Scarlet Sparrow, Etl-w. pi. 343.
3 r. Muf. Lev. Muf.
»T<HIS, if not the fame, is a mere variety of the laft-deferibed,
as it anfwers the defeription, except in wanting the white
tips to the tail feathers. I obferve that the edge of the upper
mandible is furnifhed with a fharp procefs about the middle.
* Brijpm obferves, that it is moll probable that it has a tail, and that it is
3- .
V aR. A.