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Var. A.
G R O S B E A K .
J Have feen a variety of this, which had the upper parts of a
blue grey inftead of olive green, and the under parts pale
grey inftead of yellowifh.
The female of a cinereous brown where the male was blue*
grey, and of a much paler colour in general.
Thefe came from Cayenne, and are mere varieties.
La Queue en Eventail, Buf. oif. iii. p. 463.—PI. enl. 380 *.
Fan-tailed Groibeak, ArSl. Zool.
C I Z E of a Sparrow : length about five inches. Bill ftout,
and dufky: the upper parts o f the body are reddifh brown,
paleft on the rump: the under the fame, but paler, and more
inclined to red : quills, tail, and legs, dufky.
One of thefe birds, fuppofed the other fex, had a grey breaft
and belly.
Thefe inhabit Virginia, where they are called Fan-tails-, and
continually carry the tail fpread in an horizontal.diredtion.
* By miftabe of the draughtfman, the upper bird is engraved with fourteen
tail feathers, whereas no bird of thfs Genits, or even Order, has more than
Loxia Oryzivora, Lin, SjJl. i. p. 302. N° 14. — Amcen, aead. iv. p. 243.
N» 16.
Le Gros-bec cendre de la Chine, Brif. orn. iii. p. 244. pi. II. f. 2. .—- PL
enl. 152. f. 1.
Le Padda ou L’Oifeau de Riz, Buf. oif. iii. p. 463.
Padda, or Rice Bird, Ednv. pi. 41. 42.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
C I Z E of a Sparrow : length five inches. The bill is ftout and
red : eye-lids of the fame colour : the head and throat black :
fides of the head under the eyes white : upper parts of the body,
neck, and breaft, pale a(h-colour: belly and thighs pale rofe-
colour: the vent and under tail coverts nearly white: the tail
black: legs Hefti-coloured.
The female has the bill and eye-lids very pale red, and wants
the white on the cheeks j but the edge of the wing is white as
well as the under tail coverts.
This fpecies is met with at Java and the Cape of Good Hope,
where it does much damage to the rice-grounds. Chiefly known
by the name of Java Sparrow.
'I t is moft likely a Chinefe bird likewife, as we often meet with
it in paper-hangings from that country. I think this the more
likely, as I have feen it among fome Chinefe paintings where it
bore the name of Hung-tzoy.
Loxia Philippins, Lin. Sjj?. i. p, 305. N° 36.
Le Gros-bec des Philippines, Brif. orn. iii. p. 232, pi. 12. f. 1. (the male)
pi. 18. f. 1. 2. (the neft)— PI. enl. 133. f. 2. (the male.)
Le Toucnam-couri, Buf. oif. iii. p. 463.
g I Z E of a Sparrow : length five inches and a quarter. The
bill is brown j round the bafe of it, fides of the head, under
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