+ .S T . DOMIN.
Turdus Dominicus, Lin. Syji. i. p. 295* N° 21.
Le Merle de St. Domingue, Brif. era. ii. p . 2 8 4 . . N® 3 8 . p i . 2 7 . f . I» * -*
Buf. oif. iii. p . 3 2 5 .
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
Ducriptiok. g I Z E of the Redwing: length eight inches and three quarters-
Bill blackilh : upper parts grey brown; under white: the
greater wing coverts are blackilh, with the outer edges white 3
the outer ones white, with a blackilh dalh near the tip o f
each: the quills half white, half dulky, with cinereous edges |
the tail pretty long ; the fix middle feathers blackilh ; the others
white, except the outer edge of the third, which is blackilh : the
P l a c e .
legs are of this lalt colour.
Inhabits St. Domingo and Jamaica. I have received them front
the lalt place.
Br. Muf.
Desckiftiok. O I Z E of the felt. Bill not much curved, except juft at the
13 end, where there is a fmall notch j colour black: the upper
parts of the plumage are black : the lower part of the back and:
rump ferruginous : the under parts of the body of a pale rufty
yellow, paleft on the chin and fore part of the neck : the fides-
of the body eroded with tranfverfe blackilh lines: acrols the
middle of the wing a bar of white: tail llightly cuneiform in
lhape j the outer tail feather white j the fecond and third white-
at the ends for an inch; the others juft fringed at the tip with thé
fame: legs brown.
Said to come from BraftL
Turdtts merula, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 29;. N* 22.— Scop, am. »• N* 197.“
Muller, N°29. N° 241.
Le Merle, Brif. cm. ii. p. 227. N° 10.— Ruf.cif. 111, p. 330.pl. 20.— PI.
”1. ii- 555- ><' (
Schwartze amfel. Frifch. t, 29.—Kram. el. p. 360. 3.
Merh, Olin. uccel. p. 29. . -
The Blackbird, Rati Sytt. p. 65. A. 1 .— Will. cm. p. 190.— Allin.x. pi. 37-
_Br. Zccl. i. N° 109. pi. 47.— Aril. Zccl.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
r - p n iS is a well-known bird: its length above ten inches.
The bill, infide of the mouth, and eye-lids, in the male, of
a fine orange yellow : the plumage univerfally black : the legs
black brown.
The female is moftly brown, inclining to rufous beneath, particularly
on the breaft and belly. The bill is dulky black : and
the legs brown.
Young males, for the firft year, much refemble the females j
not becoming of a full black, nor gaining the yellow bill, till the
fecond year.
This fpecies feems pretty general throughout the temperate
parts of Europe; mod authors mentioning it. It is not common
in Rujfta, except in the weftern provinces; and in refpedt to fome
parts of that empire is migratory, as it is feldom obferved at
Woronefch, on the river Don, till paft the middle of April * 5 and
as to Sibiria, it has never yet been found there f . It is faid
alfo to be frequent at Aleppo; but in any other part of A fia \, or
in Africa, I do not recolleft to have heard of it.
* Decouv. Ruff. i. p. 102. + Mr. Pennant.
X I have indeed feen one very like it in fome Cbinefe drawings, but the legs
were red, as well as the bill, and the under parts of the plumage dulky: it
was about the fame fuse and lhape. Probably a variety of N° 27.
G 2
F ema le .
Place and