S T A R E . 9
That in the Mujeum of Sir A. Lever, had each of thé wing coverts
terminated by a white fpot: the margin of the wings, and
tips of the quills and tail, grey. This lpecimen came from
Lev. Muf. 6.
g I Z E of our Starling: length nearly ten inches. The bill p f ^ x x v i
rather long, and fomewhat bent j it is fharp at the tip, but Description.'
a trifle flatted; the colour is black, tinged with blue towards the
bafe: irides dull hazel: from the angle of the lower mandible
fprings a carunculated orange-coloured membrane, tending downwards
like the wattle of a Cock; this is about a quarter of an
inch in fize : the general colour of the plumage is dull black ;
but the back and wing coverts are ferruginous: the legs are
The female is wholly of a dull ferruginous brown: the bill and Female.
legs are the fame as in the male■, but the wattle is not fo large,
nor is it very confpicuous, except in old birds.
This fpecies is found in New Zealand, particularly in the Place.
fouthern ifland, where it is pretty common, as Dr. Forjler informs
me; and that it has a weak piping voice, not worthy of
being called a fong.
Tringa * carunculata, capenfis, Naturf.yol. xi. p, g, tab. 2. 7.
j ^ E N G T H fix inches and a half! Bill brown, and made not - SI ARE.
unlike that of a Starling : from the bafe of the under man- Description.
dible hangs a double wattle, like that of a Cock, half an inch or
* It cannot be a Tringa, as It is not in the leaIt fare above the knee.
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