P lace.
-I-oxia minuta, Lin. Syf. i, p, 307* 47.
Le Bec-rond a ventre roux, Buf. oif iv. p. 390.
Bouvreuil a ventre roux de Cayenne, PI. enl. 319. f. 2.
Grey Doxia, Batter. Guian. p. 179.
Br. Mu/.
^ I Z E of a Wren. Bill flout, thick, lhort, brown : upper
parts of the plumage grey brown : the under parts and rump
ferruginous chefnut: the fourth, fifth, and fixth quills white at
the bafe * : legs brown.
Inhabits Surinam and Cayenne.
This bird is faid to keep paired to its mate the whole year j
and is a lively, and not very tame bird: frequents habitations,
especially lands which have lain for fome time-uncultivated :
lives both on fruits and feeds: cries like a Sparrow, but iharper:
makes a roundiih neft, the hollow of which is two inches in
diameter, compofed of a reddilh herb, and placed on the tree*
which it frequent's. The female lays three or four eggs.
Loxia minima/Z/#. Syfl. i. p. 307. 43.
^ ^ ^ E of a 'Wren. Bill very fhort and thick 1 the upper parts
of the plumage are brown : rump and under parts teftaceous :
prime quills white at the bafe; fecondaries white on the infide,
towards the bafe: tail even ; the feathers fomewhat fharp at the
tip, where they are of a pale colour.
Inhabits Surinam.
* Mem. In the PI. enl. the white fpot, which would appear from the bafe o f the
quills, is not expreifed,
I have feen a bird of this kind which came from Cayenne:
jt had the bill and legs brown, and the under parts rufous ; but
I did not obferve the leaft white in the wings. The length was
almoft four ifiches.
“ W i t h T H R E E T O E S .
Re Guifso Balito, Buf. oif. iii. p. 471. THREl/-TOED
’J 1 H E bill is toothed on the edges: the head, throat, and fore Description.
part of the neck, of a beautiful red, which is prolonged in a
narrow band quite to the vent: the upper part of the neck,
back, and tail, black: the wing coverts brown, edged with
white : quills brown, with greenifh edges: legs dull red : the
wings reach half way on the'tail: the toes three only, two before
and one behind.
This inhabits Abyjjinia: frequents woods, and is a folitary Place and
fpecies : feeds on kernels of feeds, which it breaks with eafe with Manners,
its bill. The name in. its native place is Guifso batito dimmo-vaon
jerck. From Mr. Bruce’s drawings.