198 B U N T I N G .
Female. The female has not the gaudy colours of the male, being
plain, like a Sparrow, and has a note like it.
Place. Thefe inhabit Brafil. The male has an agreeable note.
La Therefe jaune, Buf. oif iv. p. 362.
Bruant du Mexique, PI. enl. 386. f. 1.
Description. J t E N G T H fix inches and a half. Bill pale: head, as far as
the crown, fides of the head, throat, and fore part of the
neck, yellow: the upper parts, like the Yellow B. of a brownilh
colour, the brown on the fides of the neck tending upwards to
the eye in a point: the under parts dirty white, fpotted with
brown: quills and tail edged with pale brown: legs pale.
Place. Inhabits Mexico.
Emberiza militaris, Haffelq. voy. p. 285. 48.
Description. p j E A D and back yellowifh brown : breaft, and lower part of
the back, yellow: fhoulders greenifh : belly white: quills and
tail brown ; the outer edges yellowilh at the tips: belly white.
Place. Found near Malta.
Emberiza melanocephala, Scop, ann. i. p. 208.
g I Z E of a Yellow-hammer. Head black, extending to the
middle of the neck : the back rufous: throat, breaft, belly,
thighs, and rump, yellow : fides of the breaft inclined to rufous:
quills brown, with whitilh margins: tail plain brown, but paler
than the quills.
Emberiza brumalis, Scop, ann. i. N° 213.
g I Z E of the Sifkin. Forehead, and round the eyes, yellow :
hind head, neck, and fides, cinereous : back yellow brown:
the under parts of the body, and vent, yellow : thighs whitilh:
quills brown, with yellow edges.
This fpecies is common about the county of Tyrol, in Auftria,
where it is called Citrinello: is frequently caught in November,
with bird-lime; and may be kept in a cage, and fed with hemp-
Fringilla erythropthalma, Lin. SjJi. i. p. 318. 6.
Le Pinfon de la Caroline, By//, orn. iii. p. i6g. 44.
— —----- noir aux Yeux rouges, Buf. oif iv. p. 141.
-Towhe Bird, Catejb. Car» i. pi. 34.— Arél. Zool,
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
1~ ^ E N G T H eight inches. Bill brown: irides red : head,
throat, neck, back, wing coverts, and rump, black: breaft,
belly, fides, thighs, and under tail coverts, dull red: middle
of the belly white : quills and tail black j the firft edged with
white ; the lalt a little forked : legs brown.
The female is wholly brown, except on the breaft, which has a
flight tinge of red.
This fpecies inhabits Carolina, and frequents the moll fhady
woods: is feldom feen except in pairs: comes into New York in
fpring: has no fong, but a kind of twittering note: is a reftlefs
bird. By fome called the American Bulfmch.
P lace.
+- TOWHE %
D e s c r i p t io n .
F em a l e .
P la ce and
M a n n e r s .