262 F I N C H ,
to be particularly fond of beech maß, and will alfo eat feeds of
many other kinds : their flelh is eaten by many, but is apt to
prove bitter. They are faid to breed about Luxemburg, making
the ned on the tall fir-trees, compofed of long mofs without, and
lined with wool and feathers within : the eggs are four or five in
number, yellowilh, and fpotted j and the young are fledged at the
end of May f . It is believed that this fpecies is found more or
lefs throughout Europe -, is common in the pine foreds of Ruffia
and Sibiria -, but thofe of the lad are darker in colour, and lefs in
fize J.
V ar. A.
D escription. C I Z E of the Brambling. Upper parts of the body the fame
as in that bird : over each eye a black dreak, tending to the
hind head ; acrofs the back part of the head another, meeting the
fird : on the wing coverts a bar of reddilh white, and a ferruginous
one below it : throat and bread tawny : belly and rump
Place. This was met with off the coad of "Japan, and is in the collection
of Sir Jofeph Banks. It appears to be a variety of our
V ar . B.
D escription.
Le Pinçon d’Ardennes à tête blanche, Brif. orn. iii. p. 154. A.
' J 1 H I S is of a paler colour than the common Brambling, and
the head wholly white.
■f- Hiß. des oif.— One of thefe was ihot near me, March 7, 1783.
J Mr. Pennant.
F I N C H. 2 63
Fringilla Lapponica, Lin. Syjl, i, p. 317. 1.— Faun, Suec, N° 2-35.—-Faun*.
Groenl. p. 115. N° 82.
Fringilla calcarata, Pall. Trav. ii. p. 710. N° 20. t. E.
Le Pinçon de Montagne, Brif. orn. iii. p. 160. 38.
Le grand Montain, Buf. oif iv. p. 134.
Greater Brambling, Alb. iii. pi. 63.
Lapland Finch, Artt. Zool.
Lev. Mu/.
i *4-
THI S is bigger than the Chaffinch : length fix inches and
a half. Bill horn-colour, with a black tip : the head is
blackiffi, fpotted with rufous, white : the upper part of the neck,
back, and body, rufous, fpotted with brown : behind each eye a
curved white fpot: throat, fore part of the neck, and bread, pale
rufous : belly, thighs, and vent, white : lefler wing coverts pale
rufous j middle ones black, edged with yellow, and tipped with
white, forming a bar on the wing: quills black, with pale yel-
lowilh green edges j tail the fame, and a little forked in ffiape :
legs black.
The female differs from the male, in being paler.
This fpecies is found at Hudfon’s Bay, where it is called Tecu-
majhijh *, but differs fbmewhat in fize, meafuring only five inches.
The head is black; the curved mark behind the eye the fame :
bread whitifh, with a longitudinal black dreak down i t : in other
things not greatly different. It is found in the neighbourhood
of Severn River, in winter only, appearing fird about November,
and is commonly found near juniper-trees. Some of the males
have more ferruginous about the head. It is alfo met with in
D e s c r i p t io n.
F emale.
Place and
x m wM
P -Æ
p f
■ •Oil
I S A m
Phil, Tran/, vol. lxii. p. 404. Dr. Forßer.