Le Merle brun du Cap de Bon Efperance, Bu/. oî/ iii. p. 378.
CIZE of a Blackbird: length ten inches. General colour brown,
with a refleftion of dull green in fome lights : the belly and
rump white : the wings reach to about the middle of the
This was brought from the Cafe by M. Sonnerat.
L’Ourovang, oo Merle cendre de Madigafcar, Sri/, er*. ii. p. 291. pi. 2J.
f. a_Bufmf iii. p. 380.—PI. ml. JI7. f. 2.
Description. T ENGTH eight inches and a half. Bill narrow, marked near
the end with brown, and befet with briftles at the bafe : the
general colour of the plumage is cinereous, very dark, and inclined
to greenilh black on the crown : the reft of the head, neck,
breaft, upper parts of the body, and letter wing coverts, incline
to olive green : greater wing coverts, quills, and tail, dark afh-
colour : belly and vent yellowilh : legs brown.
Inhabits Madagafcar, where it is called Ourovong.
PIGEON THR. Le Merle des Colombiers, S tf. oif. iii. p. 381.
Description. C I Z E of a Throjtle: general colour green, which is very
changeable in different reflections of light. Some of thefe
birds are lefs than others, and have a white rump and vent 5 but
whether young birds, or different in fex, is not known.
Thefe are met with in the Philippine IJles, where they are called
Pigeon Starlings ■, as they frequently, like the Starlings in Europe,
build in pgeon-hovfcii ^
Le Merle a gorge noire de St. Domingue, Bu/ oif, iii. p. 382.—PI. enl. 559.
o I Z E of a Throttle : length feven inches and a half. Bill
^ black : the forehead, between the bill and eye, the chin,
throat, and as far as the breaft, are black; this is bordered by
rufous, extending to the crown, which is of the fame colour :
hind part of the neck, back, and wing coverts, grey brown, more
or lefs fhaded with brown: greater coverts and quills, blackifh
brown, edged with light grey: rump, and under parts. of the
body, greenilh yellow, marked with fome large fcattered black
fpots on the breaft and belly : tail three inches long, rounded in
lliape ; the colour the fame as the back j all but the middle feathers
margined with blackilh : legs black.
Inhabits St. Domingo.
C M A L L E R than the Fieldfare: length feven inches. Bill
black, beneath yellowilh, tip brown : head, neck, and upper
parts of the body, greyilh green: over the eyes a white ftreak j
beneath them a white fpot: throat grey, fpotted with white:
breaft and fides pale rufous : belly and vent white: thighs mixed,
cinereous and white : fome of the quills brown, others grey : tail
even at the end: legs and claws yellowilh.
Georgi * defcribes this fpecies from one kept in a cage, which
was fuppofed to have come from China j and adds, that it fung
well, and was fond of wetting itfelf with water, like the Starling.
Vol. II.
See Rei/e, p. 505.
1 Turdus