B U N T I N G .
rump white: baftard wing, and ends of the greater coverts,
white: quills black j bafe of them white: fecondaries white, with
a black fpot on their inner webs: middle feathers of the tail
black; the three outer ones white, with a dufky Ipot near
the ends: from chin to tail pure white : legs black.
Place. This is found in the northern parts of Great Britain, and is
called in Scotland Snowflake, appearing in great flocks in the
fnowy feafon, and fuppofed to be the certain forerunner of hard
weather. A few breed in the fame places with the Ptarmigans,
but the major part come from the ftill colder regions : they are
found in all the northern latitudes, without exception, as far as
our navigators have been able to penetrate; being not only
found on the land of Spitzbergen, but alfo upon the ice adjacent
to it, in large flocks j what can be found there for food is difficult
to determine, as they are granivorous birds, and the only
Ipecies of the genus found in that climate *. In America they
advance no farther to the fouth than Nova Scotia, never being
found at New Tork. I believe the more northward they are
found, the whiter the plumage becomes, fomewhat in the'manner
of the Ptarmigan, whofe fummer and winter drefs is quite
different. I have one from Hudfon's Bay, and have feen others, in
which the whole head, neck, rump, and under parts, were white:
back black, fringed with white: wings and tail black and white
mixed, like that figured in the PI. enluminees: while thofe found
in Scotland have fome blackifh markings about the head and
neck, like that figured in the Britijh Zoology. In the Faun.
Groenl. the female is faid to be dufky where the male is black,
except the breaft and belly, which are white: the temples tefta-
Phipps's Voy^
bb uu nn tt ii nn gg ..
ceous: in other parts of a dirty white where the male is of a pure
L ’Ortolan de Neige tachete, Brif. ortt. iii. p. 288. A.
Weifs Fleckige Ammer, Fri/ch. pi. 6.
Var. A.
r p H lS differs from the firft, in having the whole of the white
parts tinged with yellow : the throat and fore part of the
neck marked with very fmall brown fpots.
L ’Ortolan de Neige a poitrine noire, Brif. orn. iii. p. 289. B.
Fringilla fublutea et fubnigra» rfldrov. a<v. ii. pi. in p. 818.
Var. B.
J N this bird almoll the whole of the head, the upper part of the
neck, back, rump, upper tail coverts, fcapulars, and wing coverts,
are yellowifh white: round the bill, and all the under
parts, blackifh : wings and tail black and white mixed.
L ’Ortolan de Neige a Collier, Brif. or«, iii. p. ago. Ti.— Buf. oif iv.
P- 33SPied
Chaffinch, Albin. ii. pi. 54.
Var. C.
fT 'H E bill is reddifh, with a blueifh longitudinal ftreak: the
eye-lids are black, the irides white: the head, throat, and
neck, white; but at the lower part of the neck are three circles,
the upper one of a lead-coloured blue, the next white, and the
lowed blue : reft of the body reddifh brown, mixed withgreenifh
yellow: on the breaft is a denticulated blueifh mark, tending
towards the belly: wing coverts and quills white, with a mixture
of greenifh yellow in fome places, and black in others: the
Y 2 eight