g I Z E of the Song Thrujh: length eight inches and a half.
Bill an inch and a quarter, notched at the tip, and of a reddilh
pearl-colour: general colour of the plumage rufous brown : quills
edged with dulky: .tail rounded in lhape and dufky : legs dulky
Inhabits Ulietea. In the colledlion of Sir Jofeph Banks.
Turdus canorus, Lin.SyJi. i. p.293. N° 8.
Le Merle de Bengale, Brif. orn. ii. p. 260. N6 25*
Le Baniahbou de Bengale, Buf.oif. iii. p. 379.—-Albtn. iii, pi. 19.
Brown Indian Thrufti, Ed*w. pi. 184.
Crying Thrulh, OJb. Voy. ii. p. 121.
g I Z E of a Blackbird : length nine inches and a halt Bill and
irides yellow: the upper parts of the body are brown; the
under the fame, but paler, almoft grey: quills and tail dulky
brown ; the edges of the firlt pale : the eyes are furrounded with
a narrow' white line, extending a little way down on each fide:
legs reddilh.
The female is ferruginous, except three of. the qui Hand
three of the tail feathers, which are in great part whitei
This is common at Bengal and China, where it is known by
the name of W a~mew. It is faid to ling very loud; and, on
account of its Itrong voice, may not unaptly be called the Cryinz
thrujh. '
The food is rice, moths, flies, flejh, &c.
It is common at Canton, and there fold for a piaflre apiece *.
* OJtick.
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