go T H R U S H .
Pla c e . This bird inhabits South America, chiefly Guiana and BrafiV,
in the neighbourhood o£ large ant-hills, on the inhabitants of
which it chiefly feeds, as do feveral other fpecies; many forts of
which unite together into bands : but what is obfervable in this
fpecies, it is feldom feen except one in a flock of the others, or
at moft a pair.
Thefe birds for the moll part keep on the ground, and appear
lefs active than thofe which it keeps company with. The flefh
is accounted very good to eat.
This, like the laft, is an intermediate fpecies between the two.
genera before-mentioned, but on infpection is neareft that of the
Crow ; and had we then been lucky enough to have feen the real,
bird, which has been the cafe fince,. it would have been placed at
the end of that genus.
10 Genus
N“ iw Waxen Ch.
Var. A. Carolina Ch,
N° 6. Pompadour Ch.
Var. A. Grey Ch.
2. Purple-breafted Ch.
7. RedCh.
g. Purple-throated Ch.
8. Carunculated Ch.
4. Blue-breafted Ch.
9. Variegated Ch.
£. Silky Ch.
1 3 I L L flrait, convex, bending towards the point; near the end
I I of the upper mandible a fmall notch.
Noftrils hid in the briftles.
Middle toe con netted to the outer at the bafe *.
All of this genus are natives of America, except the firft-defcribed.
Ampells Garrnlas, 1.» bfi- i- P- *99- 'F‘ un S“K' N°
—Kram el. p. 363. 1 .—Frifcb. pi. 32.
Lanius Garralus, Seep. ann. i. p. 20. . 'W S , , 6
Le Jafear de Boheme, Brif.om. ii. p. 333- m. p.429. pi. 26.
— PI. ml. 261. , . , 1
Silk Tail, Rail Syo. p. 85. M M W*
Bohemian Chatterer, Will- or«, p. ^ P>- 20— M,«.rx. p\. 26.
Waxen Chatterer, Br. Zool. N° 112. pi. ^ . -A r S . Zool.
Br. Mu/. Bov- Biu/.
C I Z E of a large Lark : length eight inches. Bill black, indes
^ reddilh : the feathers on the crown of the head elongated into
a creft: the head and upper parts of the bird are of a reddi
* Gen• of 'Bitdt,
N 2 afl>
D escr ip t ion ..