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66 T H R U S H .
OLIVE THR. Turdus olivaceus, Lin. Syß. i. p. 232. N° 5.—Manti/f. 1771. p. 526.
Le Merle olive du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Sri/, on. ii. p. 294. N° 43.
pi. 22. f. 3.—Suf. oif. iii. p. 381.
g I Z E of the Redwing: length eight inches and a quarter. Bill
brown: the upper parts of the plumage olive brown s the
under yellow: the throat yellow brown, Ipotted with brown:
legs and claws brown.
Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope.
In the Mantijfa, Linnaeus adds, that the lore is black : upper
part of the body brownilh grey : all beneath, and the rump, ferruginous
: the two middle tail feathers brown; the others ferruginous.
In one fpecimen the head was hoary.
t i n
INDIAN THR. Le Merle olive des Indes, Sri/, on. ii. p. 298. N° 45. pi. 31. f. 2.—
Su/, oi/. iii. p. 384.—PI. tid. 564. f. 1.
Sr. Mu/.
Description. T E ® ® than Redwing : length eight inches. Bill blackifh t
the upper parts of the body are deep olive green j the under
parts the fame, but paler, and inclined to yellow : the quills
have the inner webs brown, the outer olive green, with the
edge for two-thirds from the bafe yellowilh : the tail olive green :
legs blackilh.
Place. Inhabits the Eafi Indies. That in the Br. MuJ. is rather fmaller,
and has the chin dulky black.
TMSÉ fMS i§l§l SMjftr-
Le Merle eendre des Indes, Bri/. on. ii. p. *86. N° 39. pi. *5- {- i- Buf - L 0 * |
oi/. iii. p. 385.
T E S S than a Redwing : length feven inches and three quarters. D e s c r i p t i o n .
gill black, with a few briftles at the bafe: the plumage of a
deep alh-colour, paleft beneath: the greater wing coverts black,
with grey edges : quills the fame, but the white is broader
on the fecondaries than the greater ones; the fecondanes have
alfo part of the inner webs white: the two middle tail feathers
are like the back; the next on each fide is black, with the
margins and tips alh-colour ; the reft of the outer ones black:
the legs black.
Inhabits the Eafi Indies.
Le Merle gris de Gingi, Son. Voy. Ini. vol. ii. p. 193.
' 3-
LESS than a Blackbird. Bill yellowilh white : the top of the Description.
head, and hind part of the neck, are whitilh: the throat,
fore part of the neck, back, wings, and tail, deep grey: the
breaft, belly, thighs, and vent, very pale reddilh grey : legs yellowilh.
Inhabits the coaft of Coromandel: chiefly feen on the ground, Place,
where it is perpetually hopping after worms and inft*els, which it
finds in the dung of animals, whence it has gained the name of
T ENGTH nine inches and a half. Bill an inch and a half Description.
long, moderately bent, and of a brownilh flelh-colour; near
the tip an almoft obfolete notch; at the gape a few black weak
K a hairs: