78 T H; R u S H.
Ls Merle noir 6c blanc d’Abylllnie, Buf, oif, iii, p, 4.06»
g I Z E . of a Redwing. Bill black: the upper parts of the body
are black j the under white, and a band of white acrofs the
wing: the tail is rounded in ftiape, and the feathers fomewhat
fquare at the ends : the legs are black.
Place. Found in the woods of Abyffinia, and has a note not unlike
a Cuckow. It keeps among the thickeft part of the foliage: and
feeds on. berries and fruits.
Le Merle brun d’Abyffinie, Buf. oif iii. p. 407.
g I Z E of the laft. The upper parts brown : quills and tail
deeper brown, bordered with paler : throat pale brown: under
parts fulvous yellow : legs black.
Place. Found in Abyjjinia j and is faid to feed on the flower of a particular
kind o t palm-tree, where it is met with in fmall numbers.
Befides this, it feeds on grapes in the feafbn.
Le petit Merle brun a gorge rouffe de Cayenne, Buf. oif. iii. p. 4.01 —.
PI. ml. 644. f. 2.
C I Z E of a Goldfinch: length five inches. Bill of a dufky
afh-colour: general colour of the plumage brown, with a little
mixture of a paler brown between the wings: the chin, throat,
and breaft, rufous yellow : the tail one inch and a half in length :
legs greeni(h yellow.
Place. Inhabits Cayenne.
Le Verdin de la Cochin Chine, Buf. oif. iii, p, 40g.—-PI. ml. 643. f. 3.
towards the tail, and outer edges of the quills : the fpace
between the bill and eye, the chin and throat, are black : on
the Tides at the root of the bill are two fmall blue fpots : the
black on the throat is furrounded with yellow, which is very
broad beneath, forming a crefcent on the breaft: the bill and the
legs are dufky.
■ From Cochin China.
Le Merle a Cravate de Cayenne, Buf. oif. iii. p. 392.— PI. ml. 560. f. 2.
' J ' H I S fpecies is lefs than a Redwing: length about feven
inches. The bill black, and curved at the point: the upper
parts of this bird, the quills, and tail, are cinnamon-colour: belly»
thighs, and vent, the fame, but paler: the chin, fides of the
head, under the eyes, the throat, and breaft, are black, bordered
all round with white, which is a little clouded with dufky on the
breaft: wing coverts black; the lefler ones tipped with white;
the middle and greater ones with rufous : the tail is about two
inches in length : the legs black.
I have feen feveral of thefe which had the black cravat mottled
with white, which I took for young birds, as they were fomewhas
lefs in fize.
Inhabits Cayenne.