180 B U N T I N G .
Emberiza ferena, Lin. Syf. i. p. 312. 20«
La petite Veuve, Brif. orn. iii. p. 124.. 26. pi. S. f. 2.
La Veuve Dominicaine, Buf. oif. iv. p, 160.—PL enl. 8. f. 2.
Ü A T H E R lefs than the laft: total length fix inches and
three quarters. Bill red: upper part of the head black; the
crown rufous white: the back part of the neck, beneath the
head, is rufous white, which paffes forwards to join with the under
parts, all of which, from the chin, and beneath the eyes, are
alfo rufous white * : the hind part of the neck, and back, are
black, edged with dirty white : inner wing coverts white; reft of
the wing black ; the quills edged with white: the tail is black j
the two middle feathers are pointed at the ends, and are more
than two inches longer than the others, all of which lellen in
length as they are placed outwardly; three of them, next to the
middle feathers, have white tips; and the two outer ones are
white on the infide, and pale rufous without: the legs are
The female is of an uniform brown colour; and the feathers
of the tail are all of equal lengths, thé two middle ones not being
longer than the others.
This fpecies moults twice in the year,, like the laft j and, like
that, lofes its long tail feathers.
* The parts defcribed as rufous white by Briffon, are white in the VI. enl*
and in Buffon’s account of the bird.
Emberiza vidua, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 312. 21.
La grande Veuve, Brif. orn. iii. p. 127. 27.— Buf. oif. iv. p. 162.
Long-tailed Sparrow with a fcarlet bill, Will, orn. p. 251. pi. 45.— Rail
Syn. p. 87. 9.— Pet. Gate. pi. 55. f. 1.
J ESS than a Sparrow. Bill red: head, and all the upper
parts, of a greenilh black : fides of the head, and under
parts, dirty white, the black coming forwards on each fide of the
neck, like an half collar : acrofs the wing coverts a band of
white j the quills are fringed with brown: the tail feathers are
twelve in number; four of the middle ones are very long, the
two middle ones being ten inches and a half in length, and the
next on each fide nine inches; the others even; the long ones
are wholly black; the others black on the outer webs, and white
within; the two colours obliquely divided, having moft white on
the outer feathers: legs black, or brown : claws pale. This is
the defcription of one in my pofieffion ; but Brijfon mentions a
fecond band, of a yellowifh colour, beneath the white one; and.
that the legs are fpotted with black-and white.
Inhabits India.
Emberiza principalis, Lin. Syf. i. p. 313. 22;
La Veuve d’Angola, Brif. orn. app. p. 80.
La Veuve mouchetee, Buf. oif. iv. p. 165..
Long-tailed Sparrow, Eelnv. pi. 270.
CjlZ'E of the Whidah Bird. Bill red : the upper parts of the
headland body-are black and rufous mixed, the black occupying
the middle of each feather: the fides of the head, and under
parts, are white, except the breaft, which is of a pale rufous: