D e s c r i p t io n ,
I am fatisfied that this bird is no more than our white-wriathed
Shrike, vol. i. p. 178 ; the more fo, fince Linnaus has quoted
the fame place in the Ameett. Acad, for both birds *.
Turdus Chinenfis, Lin. Syfi. I. p. 295. N* 20.
Le Grive de la Chine, Brtf* orn. ii. p. 221. N® 7. pi. 23. f. 1,
L ’Hoamy de la Chine, Buf. oif, iii. p, 316.
LESS than a Redwing, but not unlike i t : length eight inches
and three quarters. Bill one inch ; yellowifh : plumage above
rufous brown ; beneath the fame, but pale : the head and neck
are longitudinally ftriped with brown, each feather being fo in
the middle : above each eye a flender white line: tail brown,
tranfverfelv eroded with deeper brown bars, which are mod
vifible beneath: legs yellow, and pretty long. This was a
In fome fine drawings from China, I faw a pair of thefe delineated
: the female anfwered pretty nearly as above. The male
was rufous brown above, and rufous yellow beneath; middle of
the belly alh-colour : the break over the eye more confpicuous,
and palling farther behind : the tail rounded in lhape, and eroded
with fix narrow bars of black.
This fpecies inhabits China, where it is called Hoamy,
* Some fine Chinefe drawings have lately come under my infpeaion, in
which was this bird : it feemed clearly to be a Tbrujh, and not a Shrike ; and
will in courfe render the whole which has been laid before under that head un-
ENGTH eleven inches. Bill lead-coloured, pale at the tip:
upper parts of the body reddilh brown : over the eye a white
line: lore and chin white: cheeks black, palling in a crefcent
on the fore part of the neck : on the middle of the black part
behind the eye a patch of loofe white feathers : the hind part of
the neck, and the bread, reddilh : belly reddilh white: vent plain
white: tail long, rounded,at the end■, near the ends black, the
tips white: the legs are lead-coloured : claws white.
Inhabits China.
L E N G T H leven inches. Bill ftrait, black: all the fore part
of the head, taking in the eye, the chin, and throat, are
black j the red of the plumage of a pale blueilh lead-colour:
the quills and tail are dulky, edged with the general colour : all
the feathers of the lad, except the two middle ones, tipped with
white : legs black.
Found in Adventure Bay, Van Diemen’s Land. In the colleftion
of Sir fofeph Banks.
J^IZE of a Blackbird. Bill dulky; at the bafe of the upper
mandible a fet of ereft hairs, and a few draggling ones at
the gape : the head, lower part of the neck, bread, and belly,
grey : back and wings greenilh brown : round the eyes, the chin,
and throat, black : on the ear a large fpot of white : legs brown.:
fome fpecimens have the forehead like'wife black.
n ew 35h o l -
P l a c e .-