V a*. A.
D escription.
P lacb.
D e s c r i p t io n«
P l a c e *
Le petit Tyran de Cayenne, Bvtf. orn. ii. p. 400, 22.—iV. ##/. 571. f. i.
T H I S differs from the laft in being left, and is only fix inches
and a quarter in length. Tire colours are not greatly different,
except that in this bird the brown inclines more to rufous,
and the wing coverts have paler edges. In the PI. enl. there is a
brown fpot on the ears.
This likewife is found at Cayenne, and in all probability is only
a variety.
Le Tyran de la Louifiane, Buf. oif. iv. p. 583.
g I Z E of the laft. Bill long, flat, furniftied with hairs at the
bafe, and bent: the head, hind neck, and back, are grey
brown : throat flate-colour: belly yellowilh: on the greater wing
coverts is a mixture o f white: the quills are pale rufous : tail cinereous
brown, edged with rufous.
Inhabits Louifiana.
Le Gobe-moucbe tachete de Cayenne, PI. enl. 453. f. a.
Le Caudec, Buf. oif. iv. p. 582.
^ I Z E of a L a rk : length eight inches. Bill ftout, black j an
inch and a quarter long, bent at the tip, and hairy at the bafe:
crown of the head yellow: forehead juft over the bill, between
that and the eye, the chin, and throat, white: through the eye a
dulky ftreak: the upper parts o f the body and wings dulky, each
feather edged with rufous brown: rump and tail ferruginous,
with the middle of the feathers on the back dulky, like the
other: the under parts, from the breaft, pale yellow, marked
with long narrow black ftreaks on the fides: the middle of the
belly and the thighs are plain: legs dulky blue; the hind claw
the longell.
The female wants the yellow on the head j, and in foipe of the
males the ipot is of an orange-colour.
This Ipecies is feen along the creeks at Cayenne, and perches on
the low branches of trees, efpecially the Mangrove, catching the
infefts which frequent the water. It is a bold and audacious
Mufcicapa Cayanenils, Lin. Syjf. 1. p. 326. Nb 12.
Le Gobe-mouche de Cayenne, Brif. orn. ii. p. 4 C 4 . 2 4 . pi. 38. f. 4 .
Le Gobe-mouche a ventre j.aune, Buf. oif. iv. p. 55o.—PL enl. 369.1. 2.
Br. Muf.
R A T H E R left than a Lark: length feven inches and a quarter.
Bill dulky: crown of the head brown; but the bafes of
feme of the middle feathers are yellow: over the eye, to the hind
head, a ftreak of white: before and behind the eye a fpot of
brown: all the upper parts of the body the fame, edged with
olive : the chin is white the reft of the under parts yellow:
quills and tail brown, edged with rufous r legs dulky.
The above-defcribed came from Cayenne; but Buffon mentions
another, from St. Domingo, which had a ftreak of fine yellow
on the crown, and which he in courfe conjeflured to be the
F emale.
P l a c e .
D escription,
H ack.