and round the bill, black: on the bread: there is a fpot of the
fame : the tail and legs are alfo black.
Some of thefe birds have the under parts white, which was the
cafe in that from which Briffon took his description.
pLAcr. Inhabits Brafil.
17* Tanagra Dominica, Li*. Syft. i. p, 316. N° 16.
§T . DOMINGO j c Tangara de St. Domingae, Brif, orn. iii. p. 37. N° 21. pi. 2. f. 4.—
PL enl. 156. f. 2.
L’Efclave, Buf. oif. iv. p. 263,
D escription.
C I Z E of a Sparrow : length fix inches and a half. Bill flout,
and of a greyifh brown : the upper parts of the head and
body olive brown : the under dirty white, with a dafh of brown
down the middle of each feather : quills brown, edged with
olive : tail cinereous brown, a trifle forked ; the two middle feathers
are olive brown, and others have the outer margins inclined
to olive : the legs brown.
This inhabits the ifland o f St. Domingo, where it is called
L ’Efclave:.
Tanagra epifcopus, Lin. Syft. i. p. 316. N° 19.
L ’Evefijue, Brif. orn. iii. p. 40. p. 23. pi. 1. f. 2.—PI. enl. 178. £ 1, 2.—
ILjt. de la Louif. vol. ii.p. 140 .— Salem, orn. p. 277. pi. 19. f. 3.
Le Bluet, Buf. oif. iv. p. 265. pi. 12.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
D escription. g I Z E of the Brambling : length fix inches and a quarter. Bill
moderate in fize ; black ; the under mandible inclined to
grey: the general colour of the bird greyifh blue, inclining to
10 green
green in fome parts, and verging to grey in others : the lefier
wing coverts are mofl inclined to blue : the legs are cinereous.
The female has the head, neck, and bread, blue green: belly
grey: back and wing coverts brown : acrofs the laft an oblique
greyifh bar: quills and tail black ; the laft is fomewhat
This fpecies inhabits Cayenne, efpecially about the fkirts of the
forefls, and feeds on the lefier kind of fruits : fometimes found
in large flocks, but obferved to keep two and two together :
roods of nights on the palm-leaves : and has little or no fong,
except a fharp and difagreeable voice may be called fuch. It is
called by the inhabitants of Cayenne, L ’Eveque.
Tanagra fayaca, Lin. Syß. i. p. 316. N° 20»
Le Tan gara varié du Brefil, Brif. orn. iii. p. 18. N° 10.
Le Tangara tacheté de Cayenne, PI. enl. 301. f. 1.
Le Syacou, Buf. oif. iv. p. 288.—Raii Syn. p. 89. 3.—Will. orn. p. 256.—
Salem, p. 273. N° 3.— Ed*w. pi. 351. f. 2 *.
Lev. Muf.
T E S S than the laft. Bill and eyes black : general colour of
the plumage cinereous, mixed with fea-green, the upper
parts partaking moft of the laft colour and the bird, if expofed
to the fun, appears very glofiy.
Inhabits Cayenne with the former, but is more rare. It is
called by the inhabitants Sayacou.
* I am not clear that Edvjards means our Sayacou, here defcribed; as his figure
meafures fix inches and a half, whereas that in the Pi, enl, is only four inches
and a half.
P lace and
D escription.