M T H R U S H .
form, and blackilh j the four outer feathers on each fide
tipped with white : legs red.
That defcribed by Catejby had the bill, and whole of the.
throat, black; and the reft of the body dulky blue.
The female is fmaller than the male.
Place* Found in feveral parts of North America, frequently feen in
Carolina, and are faid to be moft common in the iflands of
Andros and Ilathera.
Lev, Mttf.
Description* C I Z E of the Miffed Thrufh: length nine inches. Bill three
quarters of an inch; very ftout for the genus, and notched
near the tip; the colour blackilh; at the bafe a few brifiles:
irides pearl-coloured : the upper parts of the plumage are rufous
brown : fides of the head, and all the under parts, dulky brown,
verging to afh-colour about the neck; each feather marked down
the fhaft with a very pale rufous ftreak as far as the breaft, and
from thence with a white one r the quills, and two middle tail
feathers, are darker than the back; the reft of the feathers like
thofe of the Redftart’s tail, but duller: the tail is even at the
end, and the feathers rather pointed at the tips : the legs
Female. The female iswholly o f a pale reddilh brown, lighteft beneath,,
where it is dalhed with white like the male :■ acrofs the wing
coverts two rufous bars.
Place. This fpecies was met with in New Zealand, both in Dufky
Bay and Shteen Charlotte's Sound. Sir Jofeph Banks’ s drawings,
inform me that it is known there by the name of Gold beoo.
9 S I Z E