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G e n u s XXXIII. C O L T .
N° i. Cape C. N° 4. Radiated C.
2. Senegal C. 5. Panayam G.
3. White-backed C.
BI L L convex above, ftrait beneath, Ihort, and thickj the
upper mandible curved downwards.
Noftrils fmall, placed at the bafe, and almofl: hid by the
Tongue not the length of the bill, laciniated at the end.
Toes divided to the origin.
Of this race of Birds Linnaeus knew but two ; one of which he
placed with his Shrikes, the other with the Grojbeaks, contrary to
the fentiments of Brijfon, who had put them in a genus by them-
felves. Mr. Pennant has judicioufly united them again into one,
and we here think right to follow his example; as, on inveftiga-
tion, there is not a doubt of not only thofe, but all the following,
being of one and the fame genus.
Loxia Colius, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 301. N° 12 *.
Le Coliou du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif. orn. iii, p. 304. pi. 16. f. 2.
— Buf. oif. iv. p. 404.— Pi. enl. 282. f. 1.
Lev. Muf.
g I Z E of a Chaffinch: length ten inches and a quarter. Bill
grey, with a dulky black tip : the head and neck are vinaceous
* So far as Linnaus gives us a fpecific diftin&ion of fpecies, the fynonym
is right; but in the end he defcribes fome other bird by miftake; which he fays