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Le Pinçon blanc, Brif. ont. iii. p, 154. G.
Lev. i/Utf.
H O L L Y white.
Le Pinçon à Collier, Brif. orn. iii. p. içç. D.
n p H I S is of the common colour, except the crown of the
head, and a collar round the neck, both of which are white-
Added to thefe, are two others, which have come under my
infpection, v iz. one with the fore parts white, the hinder ferruginous
* ; another with the back yellowilh, the under parts very
pale, and more white than ufual in the wings.
Fringilla flammea, Lia. Syjt. i. p. 322. 26.— Faun. Sure. 238.
Le Pinçon hupè, Brif. orn. iii. p, 155. E.
Linaria feu Luteola nigra, Klein, av. 93.
Br» Mu/. Lev. Muf.
C I Z E of the Redpole: length four inches. Bill pale brown :
the whole top of the head of a deep flame-colour, inclining
to crimfon : the feathers a trifle longer than thé reft, not unlike
thofe of the Blue-backed Manakin in the fame part: the reft of
the plumage on the upper parts of the body brown : beneath,
pale crimfon, or rofe-colour, not unlike that of the Pine
Grolbeak, but much paler: the legs are pale brown.
V ar. B.
D escription*
V ar . C.
D escription»
D escription«
In Lev. Mu/.