240 T A N A G E R.
very deftrudlive to the rice plantations, as they fometimes vifit
them in vaft flocks j it feeds alfo on the plants called Paco and
Mamao: is kept often in cages, but not for its fong, as Willughty
obferves that it only chirps like a Redftart * : it is alfo faid, that
they delight to live together five or fix in a cage.
V ar. A.
Tanagra chlorotica, Lin. SjJt. i. p. 317. N° 23.
Le Tangara noir & jaiine de Cayenne, Hr if. urn. iii. p. 34. N° ip. pi. 2.
f- 3-
Tangara de Cayenne, PI. enl. 114. f. 1.
Br. Mu/.
Description. T P H I S feems to be only a mere variety of the laft, having
almoft the whole of the crown yellow, inftead of the forehead
: the under parts are yellow, but only from the breaft, as the
whole chin and neck are black.
Tanagra Cayana, Lin, Syjl.i, p. 316. N° 14.
Le Tangara noir de Cayenne, Bri/, orn* iii. p. 25. N° 17. pi. 2, f, ^ ,
PI, enl, 114. f. 3.
Le Tangara negre, Buf. oif, iv. p. 297.
Br, Muf. Lev. Mu/.
Description- g I Z E of the others. Bill and legs dufky : the whole plumage
black, with a refledtion of blue in fome lights, except the
under part of the wings, and a fmall fpace on each fide of the
breaft at their infertion, which are yellow, but this is fo much hid
* Pernetty fays, it imitates the fong of other birds j but perhaps he may not
ftriftly mean our bird, as the Brafiliani call feveral others by the name of
when the wings are clofed, that the bird appears wholly black
the inner webs of fome of the quills are white.
Inhabits Brajil, Mexico, and Guiatiay but is not very common
at the laft place.
g I Z E of a L a rk: length five inches three quarters. Bill
black, not very ftout, and a trifle curved towards the point:
general colour of the plumage of a deep indigo blue, inclining
to lead-colour: wings and tail duflcy: on the throat a large rufous
patch : legs black.
D e s c r i p t io n ,,
Inhabits Jamaica. Place.
Tanagra atrata, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 315. N°q. 38.
§ I Z E of a Thrufh : the colour of the plumage wholly black,
with a glofs of blue on the back: bill and legs black.
Inhabits the Eaji Indies.
ii. p. 31. 39’
Tanagra albiroftris, Lin. SyJ}. i. p. 313. N” 12 ; 316. N° i i .—Mu/. Addfh.
T .
g I Z E of a Starling, or bigger. Bill white, bare at the bafe;
pretty thick, as in the Grojbeak genus, but long as in the
Starling, though thicker: general colour of the plumage black :
the bottom of the feathers on the back white: the rump above '
and beneath fulvous yellow: on the wing coverts a fulvous
Vol.II. I i fpot.