Th e female * is of the fame fize, but wholly of a green Colour;
paled beneath, aild inclined to yellow.
Inhabits North America.
L ’Olivet, Buf. oif. iv. p. 269.
Olive Tanager, ArB. Z00U
Description. J-J E A D, upper parts of the body, and wing coverts, olive
green, fading into cinereous towards the rump : quills, and
tail, brown, edged with white : throat, and bread, of a fine yellow
: belly white : legs brown.
Female. The female has the wings, and tail, dufky, edged with olive
under fides of the body pale yellow.
Place. Inhabits Cayenne. Found alfo at New York f, in North America.
MISSISSIPI T. Le Tangara du Miffiffipi, Buf. oif. iv. p. 252.—PI. enl. 741.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf
Description, p H I S is fomewhat bigger than the Scarlet Tanager. The
bill larger in proportion, of a brown colour, and both mandibles
fomewhat curved inwards. It differs likewife from that
bird, in having the wings and tail of the fame red colour as the
red of the plumage, though rather deeper : legs reddifh.
* In the colleflion of Major Dames.
+ Mr. Pennant. — From their being found at this lai! place, and my having
nrch authority for defcribing both fexes, I mull conclude that the fpecies is dif-
tinft ,; otherwife I ihouid have fufpefted it to have been the female of the laft-
defcribed. .