grey, marked with blackith fpots at the large end. The male is
feldom found far from the neft.
T h e male is accounted among our tinging birds, and the note
is very pleating to fome, but does not continue the whole year :
thofe of EJfex are motl efteemed *. With us both fexes are feen
at all feafons ; but in Sweden the males only ftay, the females f
migrating fouthward, to return in fpring £: flocks of females
only have alfo been obferved in Hampfhire |).
This fpecies is expanded throughout Europe, as far as Gibraltar
; and is likewife met with- on the coafts of Africa, the Cape
of Good Hope §, and other parts ^f.
Several varieties of the Chaffinch are mentioned by authors.
io. Le Pinçon à Ailes & queue noires, Brif. er». 153. A ,—Huf. cif. iw,
V ar. A. p. J2I. I.
D escription, H E head and neck in this are afh-colour: cheeks brownifh:
back and feapulars the fame, inclining to ath : rump
greenith : the under parts brownifh fleth-colour : the lefier and
greater wing coverts white ; the middle ones, quills, and tail,
black j the two outer ones half way white on the outer
margins. *§
* Barrington's Hjfays.
f Not all of them ; as Muller mentions one being lhot in January. P.. 31,
X Amcen. Acad. vol. iv. p. 595. N° 127.
II Br. Zool.— The migration of one fex only is not lingular to this Ipeciea :
other birds will be mentioned in this work, whofe manners are not unlike in
this particular.
§ Hiß. des oij.
Found alfo at Aleppo. Rujfel, Alep. p. 70,