94. C H A T T E R E R .
manners or incubation, any more than of the laft-mentioned.
At Qiielec it is called the RecolleSl f , in Carolina, the Chatterer.
Our late voyagers met with this bird at Aoonalajhka J.
Ampelis Cotinga, Lin. Syf, i. p. 298. 4*
Le Cotinga, Brif.orn. i:. p. 34c- pl. 34. f. I.
Le Cotinga du Brefil, Pl.enl. 188. the male, 186. thefemale.
Le Cordon bleu, Buf. oif. iv. p. 442. pl. 21*
Purple-breafted blue Manakin, Edvs. pl. 241.
Cock purple-breafted Manakin, Edn.u. pl. 34o.'^-Gen. of Birds, p. 63* pl* 9’
Lev. Muf.
DESCRIPTION. C I Z E of the Song Thrulh : length eight inches three quarters.
The bill is black : the head, all the upper parts of the body, and
wing coverts, are of a rich gloffy blue : the greater coverts, quills,
and tail, black: the throat, and fore part of the neck, purple, marked
with three or four patches of bright fcarlet, irregularly placed :
acrofs the breaft a belt of blue ; and beneath another of fcarlet ||;
F ema l e .
the reft of the under parts of a fine blue: legs blackilh.
The female has the upper parts of a fine blue, and the under,
as far as the breaft, purple: belly and vent blue; the blue in fome
parts clouded with a little black : quills, tail, and legs, as in the
Place. Inhabits Brafil.
4 Perhaps from the fimilarity of the creft or plumage to the halit of this order
% Ellis's Voy. ii. p. 15.
4| This is wanting in many fpeciinens.
Ampelis Cayana, Li». Syft. i. p. 298. 6.
Le Cotinga de Cayenne, Sri/, crn. ii. p. 344. 3. pl. 34, f, 3 ,— Pl, tnl. 624..
Lc Quereiva, Suf. oif.iv. p. 444.
Lev. Muf.
q I Z E of the Redwing: length eight inches and a quarter.
^ Bill black: the general colour of the plumage blue green,
with a mixture of black,, the feathers being of this laft colour, with
the tips only blue green, fo that the colours feem mixed: the
chin, throat, and fore part of the neck, of a molt beautiful purplifh..
crimfon : the greater wing coverts are black, edged with blue :•
the quills black, fringed, with blue s the tail and legs black..
Inhabits Cayenne.
Am pel is ter fa, Lin. SyJK i. p. 298. 7,
La Terfine, Buf. oif. iv. p. 446.
* jpH IS fpecfes has the upper part of the head, the IBoulders,
quills, and tail, black : the outer edge of the quills blueifh :
the throat,, breaft, lower part of the back, and a band on the
wing coverts,, of a.pale blue : the belly yellowilh white, deepeft
on the lides.
Linnaus dóes not mention its native place ■, it may be fome
part of South America. Buffon thinks it likely to prove a female j ;
if fo, perhaps of the laft fpecies.
D escrip tion'.
, 4-