ceous alh-colour: back, rump, fcapulars, and upper wing coverts,
aih-colour: upper taii coverts purpliih chefnut: bread; vi-
naceous: from thence to the vent, dirty white: under wing
coverts black : tail alh-colour, greatly cuneiform in lhape j the
outer feathers not more than ten lines in length, and white on
the outer web : legs grey: claws dulky black.
Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope.
Lanins macrourns, Lin. Sjjt. i. p. 134. N° 3.
Le Coliou huppe de Senegal, Brif orn. iii. p. 306. pi. 16. f. 3,_Buf.
oif. iv. p. 404. pi. 18.— PI. ml. 2S2. f. 2.
g I Z E of the lad : length twelve inches and a half. The bill
grey at the bafe, and black at the tip : general colour of the
plumage a pale grey, which has a vinaceous tinge on the head,
neck, and bread:: the feathers on the top and hind part of the
head are of a fea-green colour, and longer than the red, forming
a cred . quills and tail grey brown, the lad inclining to blue, and
the fhaft brown ; the feathers of unequal length, the middle ones
being near eight inches long, and ihorten by degrees to the outer
ones, which are lefs than one inch.
Inhabits Senegal.
L E N G T H twelve inches. The upper mandible white at the
bafe, and black the red of its length ; the under white : general
colour of the plumage blueilh alh-colour: the head is
is cinereous, fpotted with grey: beneath brown, marked with round white
fpots, a purple head, and a fork'd black tail. I cannot fay that I recollefl fnch
a bird.
Pl. XLI.