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little of the outer edge of i t : the fides, under the wings, and
thighs, are black, edged with alh-colour:: the vent, under tail
coverts, and the whole of the tail, black; the laft a trifle forked :
the legs are brown.
In fome birds the white fpot at the bafe of the under mandible
is wanting j and in fuch, the white line begins at the noftrils,
and paffes over the eye a good way behind,
This is an inhabitant of Falkland IJlands, where it is fuppofed
for the mod part to frequent the ground, rather than to perch on
trees; for one of them being kept in a cage, was never known
to fit upon the perch, always keeping at the bottom. It feemed
fond of all kinds of infers; whence it was fuppofed that thefe
were its natural food.
Sturnus collaris, Scop. ann. i. p. 131, N3 ry2.
L e v . Muft
g I Z E of the red-backed Shrike '. length fix inches and a half.
Bill brown ; towards the bafe pale yellow: the upper part of
the body dufky, with largifh fpots on the back : rump brown
and white mixed : bread: cinereous brown : belly brown, efpe-
cially the fides : throat white, fpotted with brown •: quills
blackifh; the margins of the tips and inner webs are rufous:
tail brown, with pale rufous tips : legs horn-colour.
This inhabits Carnivla and Carinthia., where it is -a folitary
bird, and not very common. It feeds on infefts and graini s
accuftomed to wag the tail often : has a weak flender note ; and
affedts covered places, where it may enjoy retirement undid-