V ar. C.
D e s c r i p t io n .
Place and
Lev. Muf,
r p H E third variety has the head and neck white: the reft of
the body white, mixed with brown in patches.
This was ftiot in Derbyftiire, and is in the Levcrian Mujeum.
Turdus migratorius, Lin. Syji. i. p. 292. N° 6.
La Grive de Canada, Brif. orn. ii. p. 225. N* enl. 5,56« 1»
La Litorne de Canada, Buf. oif. iii. p. 307,
Fieldfare o f Carolina, Catejb. Car. i. pi. 29.
Robin Redbreaft, Kahn. Trav. ii. p. 90.
American Fieldfare, Phil, Tranf. lxii. p. 399.— Arft. Zool,
Br. Muf, Lev, Muf.
C I Z E o f the Mijfel Thrujh: length nine inches: breadth
twelve. Bill brown, with the bafe yellow: eye-lids white : the
tipper parts of the body olive-brown ; the under rufous: the tips
of many o f the feathers of the breaft and belly very pale, or
whitilh : the throat white, marked with narrow dalhes of black:
tail black, edged with olive brown: legs brown. Male and ƒ<?-
male much alike.
This is a native of America. It is found In New York, Virginia,
and Carolina the whole year; migrates in the more northern
parts in fpring, in May ; returning fouthward on the firft approach
o f froft. Found as far as Hudjon's Bay *. Thefe build in
trees, and lay four beautiful light-blue eggs. When at large,' are
faid to fing f inelybut do not bear confinement in a cage. Their
• One of theft was lately brought from Nootha Sound,
food chiefly worms and infefts. Are alfo very fond of the feeds
of Sajfafras j as well as Yupelo and Poke berries *.
This is not a Ihy bird, as \t is feen frequently hopping on the
ground, quite clofe to the houfes. .
At Hudfon’s Bay it is known by the name o f Redbird: the
Indian name is Pee-pee-chue.
T E N G T H ten inches. Rill black; bafe of thé under man- Description.
dible yellowilh, and befet with a few briftles: head almoft
black : from the back part of the eye to the hind-head a ferruginous
ftreak : the upper parts of the body dulky alh-colour:
the wing coverts alh-colour; the lelfer ones plain ; all the others
marked with a ferruginous triangular fpot at the tip : the prime
quills dulky ; each feather marked with two ferruginous fpots on
the outer web, one near the bafe, the other about the middle;
the fecond quills have one of thefe marks near the end, but
paler: the tail is dulky alh-colour; the under parts of the body
rufty orange, paleft near the vent: acröfs the breaft a band of
black : legs yellow.
Th & female is of a dulky alh-colour above: throat and chin Female:
the fame, but paler, a little mixed with white : breaft of a dull
red, growing nearly white towards-the vent; and not crolfed with
a band o f black, as in the male.
This fpecies was found by our late voyagers at George’s Sound, Place*
and is in the poflfeflion of Sir Jof. Banks.
* Phytolacca dccandra, Lin. — It is laid frequently to eat fo many of thefe, at
the end of the year, that the flelh itfelf appears of a purplilh colour *