This fpecies is not gregarious, preferring a folitary life ; and
is a timorous, reftlefs bird : it frequents hedges, and isoften feen
in gardens, and near habitations, in fummer-time ; but in winter
takes lhelter in deep woods.
It builds generally in fome thicket, frequently in the hawthorn,
making the neft of Jlraw, mofs, and dried grafs, lining the infide
with clay, on which is a layer of fine hay, See. The eggs are of a
blueilh green, marked with dark fpots, and four or five in number.
The young birds are eafily brought up tame. The natural note
of this bird is very agreeable, but fo loud that it is only fufferable
at a diftance ; it begins its fong very early in fpring, and continues
it great part of fummer: befides this, when tame it may be-
taught to whiftle tunes, as well as to imitate the human voice.
In fome counties of England this bird is called the Ouzel,
V ar. A.
Le Merle à tête blanche, Brif. urn. ii. p. 230. A.
IT 'H E Bill, legs, and irides, yellow : head white : the plumage
“*■ black, except part of the wings, and behind the eyes fome
markings of white.
V ar. B.
Le Merîe varié, Brif orn. ii. p. 231. B»
Pied Blackbird, Albin, ii. pi. 37.
Lev. Muf. ,
■ yARIEGATED with white and black-
, 46-
V ar. C.
Le Merle blanc, Brif^orn. ii. p. 232. C.
Lev. Muf
■ yy H O L LY white. Bill and legs yellowilh.
Le Merle ije la Jamaïque, Brif. urn. ii. p. 277. N* 34. C ffiN M D
------brun de la Jamaïque, Buf. oif iii. p. 391. THR.
Le Merle, Fermin. Surin, ii. p. 182.
The Thrulh, Shan. Jam. p. 303. t. 256. f. 2.—Raii Sja. p. 185. N* 30.
Br. Muf.
ç I Z E of a Blackbird. Bill orange, with a line of black near Description
^ the end : plumage blackifh brown, paleft beneath- chin,
and belly whitiih : legs orange. Some ipecimens have a fpot of
white on the fecondaries.
Inhabits Jamaica, where it frequents the woody mountains,
and is thought to be good food. The fat is orange-coloured.
K a i l
HmIlI m
A Variety" of this, wanting the white chin, was met with at
New' Caledonia, in the South Seasc
47* Var. A.
F 47.
'E R M IN alfo mentions a bird o f Surinam *, which feems a Var. B.
further variety. The bill and legs both orange, and the
colour of the male black. The bill of th0. female dutky.
This is common. Eeeds on fruits and infe&s; and makes the
neft of mofs, fmall twigs, and roots, firmly united together.
Le Merle d’Amerique, Brif. ora. ii. p. 308. N° 51.
O I Z E of. a Blackbird. Bill, and legs yellow: plumage of a Description.
(hining violetblack above, and dull beneath: quills rufbus
at. the tips, The female grey.
* Defer. Suriv. v,ol. ii- p. 182«.
„ ' This
V ar. C.
f t