chin and throat, is a large patch of white : the legs of a dufky
blueifh colour.
The female has lefs of the white on the chin, and this is not
furrounded with black, as in the male. The bills in both have
a procefs on each fide of the upper mandible, about the middle
of the edges i which circumftance is not noticed in Buffon, and
is more confiderable than in that figured by Brijfon.
The above fpecimens are in the Britijh Mufeum, and are faid
to have come from Surinam ; they are named Corn-litters. Brif-
fon’s bird is merely faid to inhabit America, but what part is not
Loxia cssrulea, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 306. N° 41.
Le Bouvreuil bleu de le Caroline, Brif. orn. iii. p. 323. N° 7,
Le Bec-rond ou Bouvreuil bleu d’Amerique, Buf. oif. iv. 392.
Blue Finch of Guiana, Bancr. Guian. p. 179 ?
Blue Grolbeak, Catefb. Car. i. pi. ^g.——Ar£i. Zool.
Description. g I Z E of the Bullfinch : length fix inches. Bill half an inch,
ftout, brown j the bafe of it furrounded with black feathers,
which reach on each fide as far as the eye: the whole plumage
befides is of a deep blue, except the quills and tail, which are
brown, with a mixture of green, and acrofs the wing coverts a
band of red : the legs are dulky.
The female is brown, with a very little mixture of blue.
I fufpeft this to be Bancroft’s bird, which he fays is Iky-blue,
with the outer edges of the quills and tail crimfon; and the more
lo, as I have lately met with one from Cayenne which had the
Chin, as well as "bound the bill, black, and both the Ihoulders,
fome of the wing coverts, and edges of the fecondaries, marked
with reddiih.
5 Le
G R O S B E A K . i i f
Le Bouvreuil bleu du Brefil, Sri/, orn. iii. 321. N5 6. pi. 17, f. 2.
ripH I S differs in being wholly blue, except a black Ipot between
the bill and eye.
Inhabits Brafil. I make no doubt of its being a mere variety.
Var. A.
Loxia Cyanea, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 303. N° zz.—Amcen. Acad. iv. p. 244. 11.
Le Gros-bec bleu d’Angola, Brif orn. app. p. 88. 19. V ar. B.
Blue Grofs-beak from Angola, Edvj. pL 125.
Lev. Muf
g I Z E o f the laft. Bill lead-colour: irides dark hazel: ge- Description,
neral colour of a fine deep blue, except the quills and tail,
which are black : legs black.
This was brought from Lijbon, and fuppofed to inhabit Angola, Peace.
but is full as likely to have been brought from fome of the
Brafilian fettlements. It is certainly a mere variety of the
ethers. The Portugueze give it the name of Azulam.
Loxia violacea, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 306. N°43. j 2<
Le Bouvreuil violet de Bahama, Brif. orn. iii. p. 326. N° 9. +. PURPLE GR>‘
________ou Bec rond violet à gorge & fourcils rouges, Buf. oif. iv. p.
Black Sparrow, Rail Syn. p. 188.— Sloan. Jam. ii. p. 311.
Purple Grolbeak, Catrfb. Car. pi. 40.-—Ar3. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
C l Z E of a Sparrow : length five inches three quarters. Bill
black : plumage violet black, except the irides, a ftreak
oyer the eye, the chin, and the vent, which are red: legs dulky