Le Proyer, Term. Surin. ii. p. 200.
P I G G E R than a Lark, but like it in colour. Bill rather
large, with a knob on the upper mandible, and the fides of
the lower one are higher than ufual, and angular: the chin,
bread:, and belly, are of a whitilh yellow, fpotted with oblong,
black fpots on the bread:.
Inhabits Surinam.
G enus
G e n u s XXXVI. T A N A G E R.
N° 1. Red-breafted T .
2. Bradlian T .
Var. A .
Var. B.
3. Red T.
Var. A.
4. Olive T .
5. Midiffipi T .
Var. A . Variegated T .
Var. B. Mexican T .
6. Summer T .
7. Grand T.
S. CreftedT.
9. Violet T .
10. Black-faced T.
11. Hooded T .
12. Black-crowned T .
13. Black-headed T .
14. Furrow-clawed T .
13. Guiana T .
16. Turquoife T .
17. St. Domingo T .
18. Bilhop T .
19. Sayacu T .
N° 20. Spotted T.
21. Red-capped T .
22. Green T.
23. Chinefe T .
24. Black and blue T.
Var. A.
25. Grey-headed T .
26. Rufous-headed T .
Var. A.
27. Red-headed T.
28. Blue T .
29. Variable T .
30. Green-headed T .
Var. A.
31. Grey T .
32. Paradife T .
33. Black-throated T .
34. JacariniT.
3?. Golden T .
Var. A,
36. Negro T .
37. Rufous-throated T .
38. Black T .
39. White-bellied T .
40, Military