D escription*
F emale*
P lace and
M anners*
Tanagra Jacarina, Lin. Syß. i. p. 314. N° 4.
Le Tangara noir du Brefil, Brif. orn. iii. p. 28. N° 16.
Le Jacarini, Buf. oif. iv. p. 293.
Moineau de Cayenne, PI. enl. 224.
Jacarini, Will. orn. p. 258.— Ednu. pi. 306.
g I Z E of a Goldfinch. Bill thick, alh-coloured : general colour
of the plumage black, with a polifhed glofs, and in fome
lights reflecting blue and green : the infide of the wings white:
tail rather forked : legs alh-colour.
The female is wholly grey : the male alfo becomes grey in the
time of moulting, and at times its plumage is part grey, part
black, fo as to give the appearance of a different fpecies.
Inhabits Brafil, where the natives call it Jacarini; by the
Portugueje it is named Negretto. Is alfo very common at Guiana,
where it is moftly found on land which is newly cultivated, frequenting
fmall trees, particularly coffee-trees ; and is remarkable
for hopping upwards frequently from the branch, firft alighting
down on one foot and then the other, each leap being accompanied
by a not unpleafing note, and fpreading out the tail at
the fame time *.
This leaping motion is only made by the male, the female behaving
like other birds. The neft is hemifpherical in fhape, and
about two inches in diameter, compofed of dried herbs> of a
grey-colour. The eggs are two in number, of a greenifh white,
marked with fmall numerous red fpots, deepeft and mold in
quantity at the large end.
* Hiß, des oif.
Tanagra violacea, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 314. N° 5.— Muf. Adolph. Fr. ii. p. 31. 33.
Le Tangara noir & jaune du Brefil, Brif. orn. iii. p. 31. N° 18. pi. 2. f. z. GOLDEN T .
Tangara du Brefil, Pi. enl. 114. f. 2.
Le Teité, Buf. oif, iv. p. 295.— Raii Syn. p. 92. 12.
Teitei, Guiranhemgeta, Guraandi, Will. orn. p. 266.
Guranthè-engera, Pernet. Voy. i. p. 185. pi. 3. f. 3 i
Pafler è violaceo nigricans, See. N. C. Petr, vol. xi. p. 431. 3« pi» 14* ^ 3*
Golden Titmoufe, Edvi. pi. 263. f. 1.
Lev. Muf.
C I Z E of a Canary-bird : length three inches and three quar- D e s c r i p t io n .
ters. Bill black : the forehead, and all the under parts, are
of a golden yellow; the reft of the plumage black, with the glofs
of polifhed fteel: the inner part of all the quills, except the three
firft, is white from the bafe, fortwo thirds of the length, as are all
the tail feathers, except the two middle ones, which are wholly
black: the legs are black.
The female differs greatly. The upper parts in her are olive F ema le -
green : the forehead yellowifh : on the chin a fpot of yellow; the
reft of the throat cinereous: the under parts to the vent yellowifh,
with a caft of olive : the two outer feathers of the tail white
on the inner margin : the legs brownifh.
The young of this appears often parti-coloured, blue mixed Y oung.
with olive green, and the yellow on the forehead very dull; but
that on the under parts pretty diftinft.
The female makes a neft not unlike that of the Jacarini, but Place an»
chufes leaves of another colour, being reddifh inftead of grey.
The fpecies is very common at Cayenne, Surinam, and Brefilj
frequents the fame places with the Jacarini, and is often feen in
company with that bird 5 and indeed both together are found