De s c r ip t io n *
Dr. Forfter informs me, is chiefly found in the moft unfrequented
parts of it.
A fpecimen of the male I met with in -the colledtion of Sir
Jofepb Banks. The female is in the Leverian Mufeum.
J ^ E N G T H five inches and a half. Bill black, brifitly at the
bafe, where it is yellowilh: forehead buff-coloured: over
the eye a white line: the upper parts of the body brown : wing
coverts edged with pale ruft-colour; greater quills brown 5 both
of them tipped with dufky white: tail brown j all the feathers,
except the two middle ones, tipped with white : the chin is pale,
■ marked with dulky ftreaks : on each fide of the neck a mixture
of white: breaft ruft-colour : belly and vent yellowilh white :
legs black.
Inhabits the Sandwich IJlands.
In the colledtion of Sir JoJepb Banks.
Lev. Muf.
J ^ E N G T H feven inches and three quarters. Bill broad at
the bafe, where there are a few briftles, and flightly notched
near the tip : general colour of the plumage brown, paleft beneath,
inclining to afh-colour, with a tinge of rufous on the belly:
tail three inches long j even at the end, and the feathers rather
pointed: legs dufky.
P l a c e . Inhabits the Sandwich IJlands,
f l y c a t c h e r . 34S
Ltv. Muf.
J g I L L black; bafe of the under mandible yellow at the
edges : the plumage on the upper parts of the body ferruginous
brown; the head paleft : on each of the wing coverts, at
the tip, is a round ferruginous white fpot: the rump ferruginous
: quills dufky: the under parts of the body pale reddilh
brown, changing to reddifh white on the bottom of the belly :
vent the fame, but the feathers tipped with a ftill paler colour :
tail brown ; the outer feather marked at the tip of the inner web
with white : legs black.
Suppofed to inhabit the Sandwich IJlands.
D escr ip t ion *
P l a c e .
Mufcicapa paradifi, Lin. Syfi.u p. 324. 1. 44*
La Pie de l’Ille de Papoe, Brif. ont» ii. p. 45. 6. PARÂDISE FL*
Le Troupiale hupé de Madraft, Brif. ont. ii. p. 92*
Le Gobe-mouche blanc hupé du Cap de Bonne Elperance, Brif, orn. ii. p.
414. 29. pl. 41. f. z.—Pl. etil. 234. f. 2.
Le Moucherolle huppé à tête couleur d’Acier poli, Bu/, oif. iv. p. 558.
La Vardiole, Buf. oif. iii. p. 105.
Avis parad. or. ex albo nigroque varius, Sebal. pl. 52. f. 3.
Pied Bird of Paradife, Eetvj. pl. 1^3.— Raii Syn. p. 195. pl. 2. f. 13.
Br. Muf.
bill blackifh, befet with briftles at the bafe: the head, hind
part of the neck, and throat, greenifh black : the feathers on
the crown pretty long, fufficient to form a creft : the back;-
rump, fore part of the neck, and from thence to the vent,
V ol. II. Y y white: