charafter, obferving, that the notes are loud and pleafant. This
laft author fays, that it is more frequent at the. Cape of Good Hop*
.than.the Greenfinch in Europe p.
•69. J'ringilla bicolor, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 324.
BAHAMA Le Yerdier de Bahama, J2ri/. orn. iii- p. 202. 59.
JJe Verdinere, B,uf. oif.iv. p. 184.
Bahama Sparrow, Catejb. Car. i. pi. 37 .— Ar£I. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Mu/.
Description. C I Z E of a Canary-bird: length four inches. Bill blacks
head, throat, and bread, the fame: the reft of the bird dirty
♦ green.
P la c?., This fpecies is common in the woods of Bahama, where it fits
perched on,the tops of trees, and fipgs prettily, not unlike the
V arieties. This bird varies in.colour: one in the Britijh Mufeum has an
afh-coloured belly, and the vent tinged with red. This came
.from Jamaica,,
in the fame place are two others : in one, neither the. head,
nor back part of the neck, are black; and the feathers of the
"back incline to afh-colour. The fecond, "brownifh olive above;
beneath afh-colour: quills and tail dufky, edged with olive. The
two laft from Bahama,
BLACK- Le Worabee. Buf, oif. iv. p. 54-
D e sc rip tion. -Cj I Z E and fhape of a.Canary-bird. The bill falhioned much
the fame, and black: the fides of the. head beneath the eyes,
the,throat, fore part of the neck, bread, and upper part of the
f I: is alfo found a: Madeira, Forjl. ObJ. p. z6.
belly, black: the upper part of the head, the reft of the body,
and'lower part of the belly, yellow: at the back part of the neck
a collar of black, which meets the black on the fore part: the
aving coverts and quills black, with pale edges; tail black, edged
with greenilh yellow: legs pale brown.
This inhabits Abyffinia, where it is met with in .flocks, and is
known by the name of Worabee. It feeds on .the feed of a plant
.called Nuk, which has a yellow flower, and the feed produces an
.oil, in much ufe among the monks %
'I/outre-mer, Buf. p. 56.
ffi'I Z E of a Canary-bird, but has a rounder head. The bill
white: the plumage wholly of a fine deep blue: the legs red.
The young'birds and females are grey. The male gets the blue
plumage in the fpring of the fecond year; but the female ever
-remains of the Ample grey colour.
This alfo inhabits Abyffinia, and is faid to have a fine fong.
7 '-
D e s c r i p t io n .
P lace
•fHabefch de Syrie, Buf. oif. iv. p. „5 7.
r p H I S bird is a little bigger than the Linnet. Bill thick,
"*■ fhort, and of a lead-colour: the top of the head of a fine
bright red : tire cheeks, throat, and fore .part of the neck,
•blackifh, mixed with brown : the reft of the neck, breaft, upper
parts of the body, and lefler wing coverts, brown, dufky, and
yellow, mixed : the greater wing coverts deep afh-colour, edged
•with paler : quills and tail the fame, but edged with bright
7 î .
D e s c r i p t io n .
Hiß. des oif
orange 3