176 B U N T I N G.
LESBIAN B. Le Mitllene de Provence, Buf. oif. iv. p. 322.—PI. tnl. 656. 2.
Description. ' J ' H I S is fomewhat like the laft, but has not the black lpot
under the eye; having, inftead of it, only three narrow
black bands, the fpaces between which are white : it is alfo white
round the eye: the breaft, rump, and fides, are not fpotted with
dulky : the tail feathers are white, or edged with it, except the
two middle, which are dulky, edged with rufous.
Place. This alfo is found in Provence, and differs in not being in fong
till ’June.-, is more rare than the laft, and very wild; and, fetting
up a feream on the approach of any of the birds of prey *, it is
called Chic, or Chic de Mitilene.
I,'Ortolan de Lorraine, Buf. oif. iv. p. 323.—PI. tnl. 511. f. 1. (male).
Ortolan de paffkge, PI. enl. 511. f. 2. (female)
Description. J E N G T H fix inches and a half. Bill brownilh flelh-colour:
the upper parts of the head, neck, and body, are rufous,
dalhed with black: fides of the head pale : through the eye a
ftreak of black : from the bafe of the lower mandible, and round
the chin, rifing to the ears, another ftreak of black : the under
parts, as far as the breaft, pale alh-colour, dotted with black;
* The Greeks in the iHand of Lejbos, or Metelin, are faid to ufe this inftinft to
their advantage, by-placing one of thefe birds among their poultry in their
yards, in a ftrong cage; by which means the fowls there kept are fooner ad-
’ vifed of the approach of the Hawk, or any bird of prey, than by any other
jnethod.—Hi ft- dts oif.
from thence to the vent deep rufous: leffer wing coverts plain
afh-colour ; the others rufous and black mixed : the two middle
tail feathers rufous; the others part black and part white; but
the outer ones have moft white in them: legs pale red brown.
The female is only five inches and three quarters long. The F e m a i h ;
bill black at the point: upper parts much like the male: no
black ftreaks on the fide of the head; but inftead, a whitifh trace
over the eye, and a patch of rufous beneath it: the under parts
are white, which pafles backwards a little on each fide of the
neck, like a half-collar: legs black: fhe tail, in the figure, feems
to be quite white beneath, except juft at the tips of the outer
feathers, which have a dulky ftreak.
Inhabits Lorrain., Place.
Emberiza Ludovicia, Lin. Syji. i. p, 310. 10. nmSTAWT? Tt
L’Ortolah de la Louiliane, B rif orn. iii. p. 278. 6.— Buf. oif. iv. p, 325.
— FI. tnl. i;8. f. 1.— Aril. Zeal.
Q I Z E of the Yellow-hammer: length five inches and a D e s c r i p t i o n .
quarter. Bill rufous, fpotted with black: the head, throat,
and fore part of the neck, pale rufous.: the top of the head
is furrounded with a wreathed irregular ftreak of black, fomewhat
like an horfe-lhoe: beneath the eye is a ftreak, and feveral
lefler markings of black: the upper parts of the body rufous,
dallied with black: the,lower part of the back, the rump, and
upper tail coverts, black : breaft and fides rufous: belly, thighs,
and under the tail, rufous white: greater wing coverts black,
with rufous edges: quills the fame: tail a little cuneiform, and
black : legs ath-colour.
Inhabits Louijiam. Place.
Vol. II. A a Emberiza