2Î2 F I N C H .
It makes a curious and well-conftru£led neft, of fine mofs, liverworts,
thiftle-down, &c. lining it firft with wool and hair, and then
with the down or gojlin of the Sallow. The eggs are five in
number; white, marked with deep purple fpots at the larger
end. It has two broods in a year. Often builds in orchards, in
the fruit-trees.
The food of the Goldfinch conflits of feeds of feveral kinds,
but is fuppofed to prefer thofe of the Thifile ; and about the places
where they grow are to be met with frequently. In winter they
affemble in pretty large flocks. Are kept often in cages, and
will feed freely on Hemp-feed *. Said to be a long-lived bird,
living above twenty years f .
This fpecies is plenty throughout Europe-, and met with,
both in Africa\ and Afia ||, but lefs common.
W‘ 8
V ar. A.
Le Chardonneret à tête blanche, Brif. orn. iii. p. 57.—Buf. oif. iv. p. 202.
N° 2.—Will, orn. p. 257. Var. 2.
Description. ' T H I S is like the common one, except the fore part of the
head, which is red, and about the eyes white.
• But this is faid to make them grow black. I faw this once verified ; in
which inftance the bird loft almoft the yellow as well as the red colour, only the
mere traces of them remaining,
\ Ge/ner.
X Dr. Forfier met with it in Madeira. See Voy. p. 26,
|| At Aleppo, Rujf. Alep. p. 70.—I have alfo feen it more than once in
Chine/e drawings, though this circumftance will not perhaps prove it to be other-
wife than a caged bird.
m F I N C H . 2*3
Le Chardonneret à tête rayée, Brif. on. iii. p. 58. B.— Buf. oif. iv. p. 3. 51- ^
Goldfinch, Broom. Jam. p. 468.
'J 'H I S variety has the head ftripcd alternately with red and D e s c r i p t i o n .
Le Chardonneret à tête noire, Brif. orn, iii. p. 58, C.—Buf. oif. iv. p. 203.
N» 4.
Swallow Goldfinch, Albin, pl. 70. a. *
Van. C.
r p H E bill in this is flelh-coloured: irides yellowilh: the D escription.
head, throat, and neck, are black, fpotted with red near
the b ill: the breaft, back, fcapulars, and rump, yellowilh brown:
belly, fides, thighs, and under tail coverts, white: the reft as
in common: the legs flelh-colour.
Le Chardonneret blanchâtre, Brif. on. iii. p. 59. D.— Buf. oif. iii. p. 204.
N* 5.— Will. on. p. 257. Var. 4. ___
V ar. D.
r p PI I S bird is red on the forehead, cheeks, and throat: the D escription,
other parts whitilh, except the wings and tail, which are
brownilh alh-colour : and that part of the wings which in common
is yellow, in this was of a dingy hue.
Le Chardonneret blanc, Brif. or*, ill, p. 60. E. pl. 4. F. 4.—Buf. oif iv« 51.
p. 204. N“ 6.— PI. tnl. 4. f. 2.—Will. orn. p. 257. N°3. V ar. E,
Lev. Mu/.
F J 'H I S is wholly white, except the outer edge of the quills, D escription.
which are yellow : a little mixture of the fame on the wing
* Said to be a mixed breed with a Lari,
O o 2 coverts:
m“s ijmST I
m iiH
1 I
coverts i